Well It's official now, with a Democratic Socialist in the White House now, and former Muslim at that, Obama's head of the White House Homeland Security Office, John Brennan advising him, The United States is no longer in a war on terror, nor are we fighting jihadists or are we "locked" in a global war... No, instead, according to Mr. Brennan told the Center for Strategic and International Studies , we are solely at "war with Al Qaeda" and their extremist allies. Why is it that this Administration keeps tearing apart everything the former Administration put in place? Socialism, that's why!
The New Democratic Socialist Party, of which both Obama's are card-carrying members, cannot tolerate any type of Patriotism toward not only the former Bush Administration, but anything that speaks of Conservative values, while trying desparately to liken themselves to Ronald Reagan, who broke the USSR up and brought an end to East Germany's 40 plus years of Soviet oppression. Obama ought to be ashamed of himself for equating his Socialist movement with someone like President Reagan who hated the word...
What Mr. Brennan left unsaid in his speech was that BHO is simply keeping his campaign promises to the Palestinian Hamas and Lebanese Hezbullah Jihadist's, when he said; "if forced to take sides, I will take your side everytime!" what he was referring to was their terrorist activities against the Israeli's, but those words, coupled with the $900 million dollars Hillary Clintons State Department delivered to their leaders to "Rebuild" sums up the Obama Administration's train of thought very well, I think, how about you???
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Paying Homage to this weeks deseased celebrities
This past week hasn't been a good week for celebrities, it's been a terrible week. First Ed McMahon dies at age 86, then Farah Fawcett, remembered as one of "Charles Angeles" passes away at age 62, after her came Michael Jackson whom some called the "King of Pop", but I referred to as the "King of Wacko's" dead at age 50, and last but not least, Billy Mays, the TV Infomercial Icon of Oxy-Clean and Orange-Glo fame, passed away in his sleep, also age 50 years... I'd trade ten Democrats apiece to have all four of these celeb's back in one piece. Lets see, we could begin by trading the first ten; Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid, Durbin, Franks, Murtha, Specter, Dodd, Schumer, just for starters, that would bring back one celebrity you fill in the other 30 Democrats yourself!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The New AmericorpGate Scandal
This is an excerpt from Wikipedia's article covering the Clinton's Travelgate scandal in 1993;
"During the 1992 election campaign, the Clintons used an Arkansas travel agency, World Wide Travel (working with Clinton's cousin Catherine Cornelius). The firm had provided a million dollars in deferred (fly now- pay later) travel for the Clinton campaign, freeing up much needed cash for campaigning. Employees of the firm donated to the Clinton campaign. The apparent pay-back to the firm -- apparently supervised by Mrs. Clinton -- resulted not only in the firing of White House employees without cause but also in false accusations against Billy Dale (who had worked in the White House for 30 years and for 8 presidents), ending in a criminal trial in which the jury quickly acquitted Dale."
The following is from the June 16, 2009 by Fox News Major Garrett;
"In a letter to the bipartisan leaders of the Senate Committee that oversees AmeriCorps, Obama listed these alleged defects in Walpin’s leadership as an Inspector General."
* Removed after unanimous request from the AmeriCorps board of directors * At May, 20, 2009, board meeting Walpin "was confused, disoriented and unable to answer questions and exhibited behavior that led the board to question his capacity to serve."
* The U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of California complained about Walpin’s conduct to the IG oversight board and alleged he withheld exculpatory evidence.
* Walpin had "been absent from the Corporation’s headquarters, insisting upon working from his home in New York over the objection" of the board.
* He "exhibited a lack of candor in providing material information to decision makers." * He "engaged in other troubling and inappropriate conduct." * He "had become unduly disruptive to agency operations, impairing his effectiveness."
"Republicans also have asked what role, if any, First Lady Michelle Obama played in Walpin’s firing. The White House denies she had any voice in Walpin’s future with the agency."
Obama has broken the Law according to Senator Chuck Grassley, read the text of his letter to the President below;
U.S. Sen. Grassley: Calls on administration to safeguard independence of Inspectors General
6/12/2009 For Immediate Release Thursday, June 11, 2009 Grassley calls on administration to safeguard independence of Inspectors General WASHINGTON --- Senator Chuck Grassley is urging the administration to follow the letter and spirit of the law, which the President co-sponsored as legislation as a U.S. senator in 2007, regarding the dismissal of the Inspector General for the AmeriCorps program, after reports last night that administration officials gave the watchdog an hour to resign or be terminated. Grassley said it looks like the White House is today modifying its stance and saying that last night’s ultimatum started the 30-day notification clock. "Either way, it looks like the letter and spirit of the law Congress passed last year to try to safeguard the independence of Inspectors General from the heavy hand of the executive branch that it’s supposed to oversee might have been circumvented," he said. Grassley has worked for many years to empower Inspectors General to act as effective watchdogs for taxpayers and federal program beneficiaries. He’s also worked to hold Inspectors General accountable when they’ve failed to fulfill the responsibilities of the role. Grassley has conducted extensive and active oversight of the federal bureaucracy. "The importance of constant, independent review of the work of federal agencies has been proven again and again, and Inspectors General are a key part of that effort," Grassley said. "Congress recognized the need for independence when it passed the reform legislation last year requiring congressional notification 30 days prior to removal. Inspectors General need to know they have independence and won’t be removed for arbitrary reasons. The public needs confidence that the watchdogs can hold the bureaucracy accountable." The text of Grassley’s letter to the President is below.
June 11, 2009
Barack Obama
President of the United States of America
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President:
I was troubled to learn that last night your staff reportedly issued an ultimatim to the Americorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin that he had one hour to resign or be terminated. As you know, Inspectors General were created by Congress as a means to combat waste, fraud, and abuse and to be independent watchdogs ensuring that federal agencies were held accountable for their actions. Inspectors General were designed to have a dual role reporting to both the President and Congress so that they would be free from undue political pressure. This independence is the hallmark of all Inspectors General and is essential so they may operate independently, without political pressure or interference from agencies attempting to keep their failings from public scrutiny.
Last year, President Bush signed the Inspector General Reform Act (P.L. 110-409) into law. Both you and I were cosponsors of this important legislation that was introduced to strengthen the independence and integrity of the Inspectors General. One of the most important provisions of the legislation we cosponsored was Section 3 which amended the procedures for the removal of Inspectors General. Specifically, Section 3 requires that, "the President shall communicate in writing the reasons for any such removal or transfer to both Houses of Congress, not later than 30 days before the removal or transfer." No such notice was provided to Congress in this instance.
As you may recall, the Senate Committee Report (S. Rep. 110-262) accompanying the Inspector General Reform Act stated the intent of Congress. That report stated:
*** "The Committee intends that Inspectors General who fail to perform their duties properly whether through malfeasance or nonfeasance, or whose personal actions bring discredit upon the office, be removed. The requirement to notify the Congress in advance of the reasons for the removal should serve to ensure that Inspectors General are not removed for political reasons."
*** Given that you were a cosponsor of this vital legislation I am deeply troubled to learn of the ultimatum given Inspector General Walpin absent Congressional notification. There have been no negative findings against Mr. Walpin by the Integrity Committee of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), and he has identified millions of dollars in Americorps funds either wasted outright or spent in violation of established guidelines.[1] In other words, it appears he has been doing his job. We cannot afford to have Inspector General independence threatened. In light of the massive increases in federal spending of late, it is more critical than ever that we have an Inspector General community that is vigorous, independent, and active in rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse. I urge you to review the Inspector General Reform Act you cosponsored and to follow the letter of the law should you have cause to remove any Inspector General.
Charles E. Grassley
United States Senator
Remember my blog from May 13, 2009 titled "The New Democratic Socialist Agenda"? If not, go to my blogspot; www.dutchmaster38.blogspot.com and read it. You will see just how familiar these two stories are, but how this scandal dwarfs the Clinton TravelGate Scandal. Here we have a case of an Inspector General doing his job, and as such he stepped on the toes of one of the Obama's big campaign contributors for misuse of Federal Funds... Two principal Grantee's; Kevin Johnson (former NBA Star) and Dana Gonzalez were both found by IG Walpin to have misused $850,000 of Federal Grant funds provided their project "St. Hope Academy" which was a grantee under Americorp's Grant program, and the President NOT following a Law he himself co-sponsored in 2007 of giving all Inspector Generals 30 days notice prior to removing them from Office.
The entire affair sounds very socialistic to me, what do you think?
"During the 1992 election campaign, the Clintons used an Arkansas travel agency, World Wide Travel (working with Clinton's cousin Catherine Cornelius). The firm had provided a million dollars in deferred (fly now- pay later) travel for the Clinton campaign, freeing up much needed cash for campaigning. Employees of the firm donated to the Clinton campaign. The apparent pay-back to the firm -- apparently supervised by Mrs. Clinton -- resulted not only in the firing of White House employees without cause but also in false accusations against Billy Dale (who had worked in the White House for 30 years and for 8 presidents), ending in a criminal trial in which the jury quickly acquitted Dale."
The following is from the June 16, 2009 by Fox News Major Garrett;
"In a letter to the bipartisan leaders of the Senate Committee that oversees AmeriCorps, Obama listed these alleged defects in Walpin’s leadership as an Inspector General."
* Removed after unanimous request from the AmeriCorps board of directors * At May, 20, 2009, board meeting Walpin "was confused, disoriented and unable to answer questions and exhibited behavior that led the board to question his capacity to serve."
* The U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of California complained about Walpin’s conduct to the IG oversight board and alleged he withheld exculpatory evidence.
* Walpin had "been absent from the Corporation’s headquarters, insisting upon working from his home in New York over the objection" of the board.
* He "exhibited a lack of candor in providing material information to decision makers." * He "engaged in other troubling and inappropriate conduct." * He "had become unduly disruptive to agency operations, impairing his effectiveness."
"Republicans also have asked what role, if any, First Lady Michelle Obama played in Walpin’s firing. The White House denies she had any voice in Walpin’s future with the agency."
Obama has broken the Law according to Senator Chuck Grassley, read the text of his letter to the President below;
U.S. Sen. Grassley: Calls on administration to safeguard independence of Inspectors General
6/12/2009 For Immediate Release Thursday, June 11, 2009 Grassley calls on administration to safeguard independence of Inspectors General WASHINGTON --- Senator Chuck Grassley is urging the administration to follow the letter and spirit of the law, which the President co-sponsored as legislation as a U.S. senator in 2007, regarding the dismissal of the Inspector General for the AmeriCorps program, after reports last night that administration officials gave the watchdog an hour to resign or be terminated. Grassley said it looks like the White House is today modifying its stance and saying that last night’s ultimatum started the 30-day notification clock. "Either way, it looks like the letter and spirit of the law Congress passed last year to try to safeguard the independence of Inspectors General from the heavy hand of the executive branch that it’s supposed to oversee might have been circumvented," he said. Grassley has worked for many years to empower Inspectors General to act as effective watchdogs for taxpayers and federal program beneficiaries. He’s also worked to hold Inspectors General accountable when they’ve failed to fulfill the responsibilities of the role. Grassley has conducted extensive and active oversight of the federal bureaucracy. "The importance of constant, independent review of the work of federal agencies has been proven again and again, and Inspectors General are a key part of that effort," Grassley said. "Congress recognized the need for independence when it passed the reform legislation last year requiring congressional notification 30 days prior to removal. Inspectors General need to know they have independence and won’t be removed for arbitrary reasons. The public needs confidence that the watchdogs can hold the bureaucracy accountable." The text of Grassley’s letter to the President is below.
June 11, 2009
Barack Obama
President of the United States of America
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President:
I was troubled to learn that last night your staff reportedly issued an ultimatim to the Americorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin that he had one hour to resign or be terminated. As you know, Inspectors General were created by Congress as a means to combat waste, fraud, and abuse and to be independent watchdogs ensuring that federal agencies were held accountable for their actions. Inspectors General were designed to have a dual role reporting to both the President and Congress so that they would be free from undue political pressure. This independence is the hallmark of all Inspectors General and is essential so they may operate independently, without political pressure or interference from agencies attempting to keep their failings from public scrutiny.
Last year, President Bush signed the Inspector General Reform Act (P.L. 110-409) into law. Both you and I were cosponsors of this important legislation that was introduced to strengthen the independence and integrity of the Inspectors General. One of the most important provisions of the legislation we cosponsored was Section 3 which amended the procedures for the removal of Inspectors General. Specifically, Section 3 requires that, "the President shall communicate in writing the reasons for any such removal or transfer to both Houses of Congress, not later than 30 days before the removal or transfer." No such notice was provided to Congress in this instance.
As you may recall, the Senate Committee Report (S. Rep. 110-262) accompanying the Inspector General Reform Act stated the intent of Congress. That report stated:
*** "The Committee intends that Inspectors General who fail to perform their duties properly whether through malfeasance or nonfeasance, or whose personal actions bring discredit upon the office, be removed. The requirement to notify the Congress in advance of the reasons for the removal should serve to ensure that Inspectors General are not removed for political reasons."
*** Given that you were a cosponsor of this vital legislation I am deeply troubled to learn of the ultimatum given Inspector General Walpin absent Congressional notification. There have been no negative findings against Mr. Walpin by the Integrity Committee of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), and he has identified millions of dollars in Americorps funds either wasted outright or spent in violation of established guidelines.[1] In other words, it appears he has been doing his job. We cannot afford to have Inspector General independence threatened. In light of the massive increases in federal spending of late, it is more critical than ever that we have an Inspector General community that is vigorous, independent, and active in rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse. I urge you to review the Inspector General Reform Act you cosponsored and to follow the letter of the law should you have cause to remove any Inspector General.
Charles E. Grassley
United States Senator
Remember my blog from May 13, 2009 titled "The New Democratic Socialist Agenda"? If not, go to my blogspot; www.dutchmaster38.blogspot.com and read it. You will see just how familiar these two stories are, but how this scandal dwarfs the Clinton TravelGate Scandal. Here we have a case of an Inspector General doing his job, and as such he stepped on the toes of one of the Obama's big campaign contributors for misuse of Federal Funds... Two principal Grantee's; Kevin Johnson (former NBA Star) and Dana Gonzalez were both found by IG Walpin to have misused $850,000 of Federal Grant funds provided their project "St. Hope Academy" which was a grantee under Americorp's Grant program, and the President NOT following a Law he himself co-sponsored in 2007 of giving all Inspector Generals 30 days notice prior to removing them from Office.
The entire affair sounds very socialistic to me, what do you think?
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Another One Bites the Dust!
Barack Obama has chosen a possible 2012 rival to "exile" to Communist China as the United States Ambassador... Utah's Republican Governor, Jon M. Huntsman Jr. comes with a swelled resume in Government and Foreign Relations, ie.; White House Staff Assistant in the Reagan Administration, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce and the U.S. Ambassador to Singapore under George H.W. Bush, and a U.S. Trade Representative under George W. Bush. One top of all of that he and his family both lived and worked in Taipei, Tiawan in the late 80's as an LDS Mission Representative. Gov. Huntsman speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese.
I feel he is the right candidate for the job, but I just wonder why he accepted so quickly? Exactly what was Obama's motive behind his choice of nominee for this Post? How much influence did Hilliary have in the decision-making over Obama selecting Governor Huntsman? What better way to take a person out of the loop as a potential Presidential Campaign rival in 2012, or any other year than this? Didn't Sen. John McCain suggest Gov. Huntsman as a possible Republican Candidate in 2012? Which brings up another question; What happened to all of the Republican enthusiasm over Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, or Mark Sanford of S.C.? Just a couple months ago these were the Republican Parties new rising Stars... What happened? Maybe after watching Obama and his Democrat Cronies (plus Specter, Snowe, and Collins Rino's all) run up a deficit of $9.3 Trillion Dollars by 2013 all three said "No Way!".
Maybe we could talk someone like Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va. the Republican Minority Whip in the House to step up to the plate... His opponents would probably attack his Jewish religious background, as did Mitt Romney's opponents attack his Morman religious beliefs in the 2008 Primaries, but it wouldn't be the first time Congressman Cantor has faced that kind of predjudism. Congressman Cantor has served as Chairman of the Congressional Taskforce on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, and as Committee Member on the House Finacial Services Committee and the all powerful House Ways and Means Committee. We could recruit Louisianna's Governor, Bobby Jindal to run on the same ticket with Congressman Cantor! Bobby Jindal has a M.Litt. Degree in Political Science from the University of Oxford, and is a Rhodes Scholar to boot. Oh! by the way... Governor Jindal is a Roman Catholic for any of you who who cares. He was born a Hindu but converted to Catholism while in high school. I would definitely campaign for and vote for a Cantor/Jindal ticket in 2012, wouldn't you?
I feel he is the right candidate for the job, but I just wonder why he accepted so quickly? Exactly what was Obama's motive behind his choice of nominee for this Post? How much influence did Hilliary have in the decision-making over Obama selecting Governor Huntsman? What better way to take a person out of the loop as a potential Presidential Campaign rival in 2012, or any other year than this? Didn't Sen. John McCain suggest Gov. Huntsman as a possible Republican Candidate in 2012? Which brings up another question; What happened to all of the Republican enthusiasm over Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, or Mark Sanford of S.C.? Just a couple months ago these were the Republican Parties new rising Stars... What happened? Maybe after watching Obama and his Democrat Cronies (plus Specter, Snowe, and Collins Rino's all) run up a deficit of $9.3 Trillion Dollars by 2013 all three said "No Way!".
Maybe we could talk someone like Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va. the Republican Minority Whip in the House to step up to the plate... His opponents would probably attack his Jewish religious background, as did Mitt Romney's opponents attack his Morman religious beliefs in the 2008 Primaries, but it wouldn't be the first time Congressman Cantor has faced that kind of predjudism. Congressman Cantor has served as Chairman of the Congressional Taskforce on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, and as Committee Member on the House Finacial Services Committee and the all powerful House Ways and Means Committee. We could recruit Louisianna's Governor, Bobby Jindal to run on the same ticket with Congressman Cantor! Bobby Jindal has a M.Litt. Degree in Political Science from the University of Oxford, and is a Rhodes Scholar to boot. Oh! by the way... Governor Jindal is a Roman Catholic for any of you who who cares. He was born a Hindu but converted to Catholism while in high school. I would definitely campaign for and vote for a Cantor/Jindal ticket in 2012, wouldn't you?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The New Democratic Socialist Agenda

The next group up the ladder is the DSA, or "Democratic Socialists of America", which is two organizations merged into one; the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DOSC) and the New American Movement (NAM). The DSA has among it's members a few Organizations and individuals you might know or have heard of, such as; United Farm Workers co-founder Delores Huerta, the Intl. Assoc. of Machinists and Aerospace Workers President William W. Winpisinger. In the Entertainment and Journalism Fields; Critic Irving Howe, Journalist Gloria Steinem, Author Barbara Ehrenreich, and former Acting Quild President Ed Asner. In the Political arena the DSA is full; former Congressman Ron Dellums, and 1997 New York mayorial candidate Ruth Messinger, UAW's co-founder Victor Reuther, The list goes on and on.
The New Party of America? the New Party was founded by the DSA in the early 90's to act as their Political Party to push forth the socialist principles of the DSA by focusing on winnable elections at a local level and spreading the Socialist movement upwards. The New Party endorsed Barack Obama last year when he was a Presidential Candidate, just like they endorsed him in his campaign for his State Senate Seat in Illinois. They can't deny it either! Here is a quote from their own website;
" New Party members are busy knocking on doors, hammering down lawn signs, and phoning voters to support NP candidates this fall. Here are some of our key races... llinois: Three NP-members won Democratic primaries last Spring and face off against Republican opponents on election day: Danny Davis (U.S. House), Barack Obama (State Senate) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary)."
And of course everyone knows about the supposed "New World Order" that former Sec.of State Dr. Henry Kissinger always referred to during the late 80's - 90's. It supposedly involves Worldwide Socialism with Representatives from every Country on Earth under one governing body, The United Nations! Remember? Sen. John Kerry kept harping on this topic in his 2004 failed bid for the White House job. He wanted "World Approval" on our War on Terror, among other hot buttons during his failed campaign.
Where am I going with all of this? I simply want to bring to light a few facts that back up the claim that the far left-wing Democrats are in fact working steadily toward their goal of enslaving us all... Take for instance Obama's desire to ratify the CIFTA agreement with the 34 OAS Countries involved, his push for tighter restrictions on Gun Owners and Gun Ownership, his micro-management of our Military, One Commander, Adm. James Stavridis, was removed from his command by SecofDef. Robert Gates for bringing to light the Hamas/Hazbullah presence in South and Central America, another Commander, Gen. McKiernan was removed from his command as Allied Commander of Coalition Forces in Afghanistan for no real apparent reason, at least none made know to the public!
All these changes, backed by the facts, lead me to believe that it is true... Obama does in fact want to make us no more that just another third world country...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Is this Education?
Can you believe it? This one of the very reasons why I chose NOT to move back to my home state after retiring from the military in 1983. I used to be proud to say I was a Colorado native, But not anymore! What am I talking about you ask? read the Link I've provided and be ready to get madder than H--L! I know I am right now, this is pure B.S. that people like this are allowed in the classroom, let alone walk the streets!
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