Might I ask one simple question? Where are our Politician's heads? Do all of them have a bad case of "Opiticalrectilitis"? "Bozo" Obama, the President has only been in office 38 days, and our elected officials have not only allowed him too, Hell! they've even drafted them for him!, nearly $3.7 Trillion Dollars in spending!!! Damned! We still have 62 days left of his "100 day Presidential Honeymoon", where will he have us by then? Me thinks this Clown don't have a clue! Right off the git-go he hands the Taxpayers a Budget Deficit they will never be able to repay, then he says by year 2013 he will halve the decifit, but of course, he gives no details, just reteric... Just two day's ago he was talking about a $410 Billion dollar "Omnibus Bill" (that has over 9000 earmarks hidden in it!). Now he (Obama) claims that by raising taxes on the top 5% of all Taxpayers, who reportedly earn over $250,000.00 he will be able to repay $637 Billion dollars of this deficit by 2013.
Excuse me, but I need to ask another question at this point; Aren't these individuals who represent the top 5% Income earners the same people who Own and Operate the businesses that employ a good sized portion of the 95% of us who don't earn $250,000.00 yearly? And if he (Obama), is allowed to do this (which he will be), won't this result in an even higher Unemployment percentage than we now have? I would think so, wouldn't you? Oh I'm sorry, that's three questions... excuse me, I just had a small brain fart!
All of this, and in only 38 days in Office... And we bitched and moaned about Bill Clinton's $200 Haircut at LAX while civilian Airliners ran out of jet fuel circling the Airport, or Hilliary firing all of the career government workers in the White House Travel Office so she could hire her cousins Travel Agency, or Bill's White House Staff using the Marine One Helio to take them Golfing! Hell, even the Democrat's cringed over those! But their treating this guy like he truely is our, (Their) Messiah!!! Well I hope they enjoy themselves, because I have a feeling that come 2010 things will change, and for the better!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Our Republican Party Principles...
I've heard a lot of folks saying their republican's, but are they really? How many of you have ever taken the time to research what exactly being a true republican entails? For those who haven't, I will list these principles for you, see where you stand on your principles versus Ours! :
Republican Principles
I'm a Republican Because...
I BELIEVE the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person’s dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored.
I BELIEVE in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability.
I BELIEVE free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity.
I BELIEVE government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.
I BELIEVE the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations, and that the best government is that which governs least.
I BELIEVE the most effective, responsible and responsive government is government closest to the people.
I BELIEVE Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.
I BELIEVE Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.
FINALLY, I believe the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.
NOW, after reviewing our principles, are you with us, or not?
Republican Principles
I'm a Republican Because...
I BELIEVE the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person’s dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored.
I BELIEVE in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability.
I BELIEVE free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity.
I BELIEVE government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.
I BELIEVE the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations, and that the best government is that which governs least.
I BELIEVE the most effective, responsible and responsive government is government closest to the people.
I BELIEVE Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.
I BELIEVE Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.
FINALLY, I believe the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.
NOW, after reviewing our principles, are you with us, or not?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Your American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Finally, after the Stimulus bill was signed into Law, We the people are allowed to see how the Democrats plan on spending out money, and it 'Ain't' pretty! After carefully reviewing the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009", or the Stimulus Law for short, I've came to the same conclusion as our own economists and our Congressional Budget Office (CBO). There isn't any 'recovery' in the Law if anyone is looking for any 'quick fixes', the spending is spread out over a 10 year time frame beginning this year; 2009-2019. The CBO reports that they expect short term increases in GDP and employment. In the long term, the CBO expects the legislation to reduce output slightly by increasing the nation's debt and crowding out private investment, but noted that other factors, such as improvements to roads and highways and increased spending for basic research and education may offset the decrease in output and that crowding out was a not an issue in the short term because private investment was already decreasing in response to decreased demand.
On January 28, 2009, a full page advertisement with the names of approximately 200 economists who are against President Obama's plan appeared in The New York Times and The Wall St. Journal. The funding for this advertisement came from the Cato Institute. The ad stated, "... we the undersigned do not believe that more government spending is a way to improve economic performance. More government spending by Hoover and Roosevelt did not pull the United States economy out of the Great Depression in the 1930s... To improve the economy, policymakers should focus on reforms that remove impediments to work, savings, investment, and production. Lower tax rates and a reduction in the burden of government are the best ways of using fiscal policy to boost growth."
For the first time, but to late (as usual!) "We the people" are given a "By Pork" breakdown of how our present and future Tax Dollars are going to be wasted, and it's NOT recovery we are looking at folks, it's reinvestment! As usual with any Democratic orchestrated legislation, the big loser's in this "Act" is our Department of Defense, The Department of Veteran's Affairs was at the very bottom of the recieving line, (once again), at a paltry $1.2 Billion Dollars. Thats always how our Nations Veterans have been treated by the Democrats... The big winner's are; Education, Energy, Transportation, Civilian HealthCare. You notice I said "Civilian HealthCare" didn't you?
The National Republican Trust (PAC) has began a 'grass-roots' drive to give this Country what Obama promised, but is failing to deliver - Change! They, like the rest of us republicans, are fighting mad that our Party has let us down prior to voting on this piece of junk legislation! (Three republicans turned Rhino on us in order for the Dem's to pass the junk!) Senator's Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine, and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvannia. By turning their backs on their own party, they gave the Democrats the needed 60 votes to pass the Bill. In other words... without their votes the Stimulus Bill would have died in the Senate! The National Republican Political Action Committee and Republican National Committee (RNC) will work to replace these three Rhino's and send a message to all republican politico's "If your not a part of the answer, then your a part of the problem, and we will replace you!"
On January 28, 2009, a full page advertisement with the names of approximately 200 economists who are against President Obama's plan appeared in The New York Times and The Wall St. Journal. The funding for this advertisement came from the Cato Institute. The ad stated, "... we the undersigned do not believe that more government spending is a way to improve economic performance. More government spending by Hoover and Roosevelt did not pull the United States economy out of the Great Depression in the 1930s... To improve the economy, policymakers should focus on reforms that remove impediments to work, savings, investment, and production. Lower tax rates and a reduction in the burden of government are the best ways of using fiscal policy to boost growth."
For the first time, but to late (as usual!) "We the people" are given a "By Pork" breakdown of how our present and future Tax Dollars are going to be wasted, and it's NOT recovery we are looking at folks, it's reinvestment! As usual with any Democratic orchestrated legislation, the big loser's in this "Act" is our Department of Defense, The Department of Veteran's Affairs was at the very bottom of the recieving line, (once again), at a paltry $1.2 Billion Dollars. Thats always how our Nations Veterans have been treated by the Democrats... The big winner's are; Education, Energy, Transportation, Civilian HealthCare. You notice I said "Civilian HealthCare" didn't you?
The National Republican Trust (PAC) has began a 'grass-roots' drive to give this Country what Obama promised, but is failing to deliver - Change! They, like the rest of us republicans, are fighting mad that our Party has let us down prior to voting on this piece of junk legislation! (Three republicans turned Rhino on us in order for the Dem's to pass the junk!) Senator's Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine, and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvannia. By turning their backs on their own party, they gave the Democrats the needed 60 votes to pass the Bill. In other words... without their votes the Stimulus Bill would have died in the Senate! The National Republican Political Action Committee and Republican National Committee (RNC) will work to replace these three Rhino's and send a message to all republican politico's "If your not a part of the answer, then your a part of the problem, and we will replace you!"
Friday, February 20, 2009
Obama's 1st 100 days ain't over with yet!
Bush-Bernacke-Paulson's 2008 Bailout package: $700 Billion Dollars
Obama-Pelosi-Reid's Stimulus package: $789.2 Billion Dollars
Obama's Mortgage Crisis bailout: $275 Billion Dollars ( over and above the stimulus $$$ )
2008's deficit bill: $899 Billion Dollars
Total Spent: $2.7 Trillion Dollars ( So Far! )
Where is the money coming from? & why should I have to shell out money for one of ACORN's high risk, low income mortgagee's they coerced big banks to finance?
Can you say... "Our Elected Officials have bankrupted us! And they have done so in just a few short months!!!"
Obama-Pelosi-Reid's Stimulus package: $789.2 Billion Dollars
Obama's Mortgage Crisis bailout: $275 Billion Dollars ( over and above the stimulus $$$ )
2008's deficit bill: $899 Billion Dollars
Total Spent: $2.7 Trillion Dollars ( So Far! )
Where is the money coming from? & why should I have to shell out money for one of ACORN's high risk, low income mortgagee's they coerced big banks to finance?
Can you say... "Our Elected Officials have bankrupted us! And they have done so in just a few short months!!!"
Thursday, February 19, 2009
One year Smoke and Booze Free!!!
I want everone to know that yesterday marked one (1) full year since I quite both smoking and drinking. Okay, Okay... sheesh! So it was for health reasons, at least I stopped! I smoked since I was 15 years old, I'm 66 now, pushing 67 hard. That would be 50 years folks that I puffed away until my old ticker simply tried walking off the job! 50 years of 1 pk. to 2.5 pk's a day, that comes to 18,262 days, or there abouts. Total cigarettes consumed by me during that period? roughly 45,000 packs! Rounding off the price of each pack to say... $1.00, that is over $45,000 I could have used elsewhere in my life! And I haven't even began to lay in on my Beer Drinking... That was quite a bit more expensive...
At first, I only drank once or twice a month, and never more that 2 or 3 beers at each setting. You have to understand I was in the Military in those days, so the legal drinking age didn't apply! I will admit I got drunk on several occasions back then, but I walked back to the barracks each time too, I didn't drive. No, that came later, we used to have a drinkers creed at the NCO Club; "If your going to drink, then drive... Face traffic with confidence!" There were quite a few of us thoughout the Military who lived that creed too, (and still do so today), until we were pulled over by the Law! (I was one of the lucky ones, not one ticket & zero DUI's in 48 years of drinking). I was also one of the dumber ones, after awhile I hardly ever crawled behind the wheel without at least a 6-pack beside me. Yeah, I was real smart back then, and real macho... B.S.!!! Well finally, about the same time as my old heart, my old liver said "No Mas", and the VAMC I was in told me I had severe Liver damage too!
Yes Sir! I'm proud of the fact that I've been off both cigarettes and Alcohol for one entire year!!! And I don't miss either one, not one damned bit!
At first, I only drank once or twice a month, and never more that 2 or 3 beers at each setting. You have to understand I was in the Military in those days, so the legal drinking age didn't apply! I will admit I got drunk on several occasions back then, but I walked back to the barracks each time too, I didn't drive. No, that came later, we used to have a drinkers creed at the NCO Club; "If your going to drink, then drive... Face traffic with confidence!" There were quite a few of us thoughout the Military who lived that creed too, (and still do so today), until we were pulled over by the Law! (I was one of the lucky ones, not one ticket & zero DUI's in 48 years of drinking). I was also one of the dumber ones, after awhile I hardly ever crawled behind the wheel without at least a 6-pack beside me. Yeah, I was real smart back then, and real macho... B.S.!!! Well finally, about the same time as my old heart, my old liver said "No Mas", and the VAMC I was in told me I had severe Liver damage too!
Yes Sir! I'm proud of the fact that I've been off both cigarettes and Alcohol for one entire year!!! And I don't miss either one, not one damned bit!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Barack's apparent lack of the 'transparency' he promised
I just finished reading an article on the 'net' by the Organization called "Politico.com", I'm sure everyone knows of their existence. Well, not being a big fan of 'Politico.com', I tried avoiding reading any of their articles during the 2008 Pres. Campaign because I felt all they were trying to do was dig up smut on either candidate, and I'm still a little bit Leary. Well anyway, Fox News ran an article titled "Report: Obama Issued Executive Orders Without Notifying Public". The article isn't saying Obama has in anyway lied to us about his 'transparency in office' policy, it simply states Obama's office has issued three executive orders, one memorandum, one presidential notice and a proclamation without any attention from the White House press corps. That's because the White House press office never announced them and never posted any reference to them on its Web site. The press office, when questioned on the subject, told Politico it was just a 'simple oversight'! Sounds like a typical liberal excuse when their caught with their nickers down, doesn't it
You can go to the website: www,whitehouse.gov/briefing_room/presidential actions/ and read for yourself what was reportedly not listed earlier. I have to agree with those folks at "Politico.com", it is a matter of grave concern and while it may not be the President's fault, it is his press office, and the day to day operation of this office is the responsibility of the Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs. Who has been bathing in his own sudden fame while making the various different News Talk Shows such as CBS's "Face the Nation" this past weekend to tell Bob Schieffer just how utterly bipartisan the effort to pass the pork bill was.
Our new President is quickly finding that our Founding Fathers weren't as outdated as he thought, he is backtracking on several fronts that he has already peremptorily gone stuck in. Fronts such as; the detainees at Camp Gitmo. Last month he issued an Executive Order to close Camp Gitmo and move the detainees to facilities here in the states, remember? Rep. John Murtha offered his district in Pa. to build a detention center big enough to house these terrorists, and the mayor of one of the towns in that district immediately jumped on the bandwagon and began making changes to his budget to make way for the new influx of tax dollars required for such an undertaking! Well it was reported today that the D.C. Federal Court of Appeals dealt Obama a bomb, and ruled that only the U.S. Immigrations Office can bring these terrorists into the U.S. not the president!
It will get better folks, we'll win a few, they'll win a few, then all will be tossed aside to save their bacon when the 2010 campaign season is upon us! I personally hope we Republicans have rallied around Michael Steele by then and are able to regain ground in both houses, plus replace the three turncoats who gave Obama his "Porkulus", I'm referring to Senator's Susan Collins and Oympia Snowe R-Maine both, and Arlen Specter R-Pa. These three Rhino's have to go and by doing so, we'll be sending a message to other Republicans - you work for us buster, we put you in office, we can can take you out of office too!
You can go to the website: www,whitehouse.gov/briefing_room/presidential actions/ and read for yourself what was reportedly not listed earlier. I have to agree with those folks at "Politico.com", it is a matter of grave concern and while it may not be the President's fault, it is his press office, and the day to day operation of this office is the responsibility of the Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs. Who has been bathing in his own sudden fame while making the various different News Talk Shows such as CBS's "Face the Nation" this past weekend to tell Bob Schieffer just how utterly bipartisan the effort to pass the pork bill was.
Our new President is quickly finding that our Founding Fathers weren't as outdated as he thought, he is backtracking on several fronts that he has already peremptorily gone stuck in. Fronts such as; the detainees at Camp Gitmo. Last month he issued an Executive Order to close Camp Gitmo and move the detainees to facilities here in the states, remember? Rep. John Murtha offered his district in Pa. to build a detention center big enough to house these terrorists, and the mayor of one of the towns in that district immediately jumped on the bandwagon and began making changes to his budget to make way for the new influx of tax dollars required for such an undertaking! Well it was reported today that the D.C. Federal Court of Appeals dealt Obama a bomb, and ruled that only the U.S. Immigrations Office can bring these terrorists into the U.S. not the president!
It will get better folks, we'll win a few, they'll win a few, then all will be tossed aside to save their bacon when the 2010 campaign season is upon us! I personally hope we Republicans have rallied around Michael Steele by then and are able to regain ground in both houses, plus replace the three turncoats who gave Obama his "Porkulus", I'm referring to Senator's Susan Collins and Oympia Snowe R-Maine both, and Arlen Specter R-Pa. These three Rhino's have to go and by doing so, we'll be sending a message to other Republicans - you work for us buster, we put you in office, we can can take you out of office too!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The outcome of the Federal Civil Case against Roger Barnett
$78,000 for punitive damages for detaining 16 illegals? And on your own property no less? I wonder what kind of message that sends to everyone on the other side of our borders? I also wonder if this would have ever went to court had it been 16 'illegal' American's on the Mexican side of the border being detained by a Mexican Rancher... The Tuscon, Az jury rendered their verdict today, they said Mr. Barnett didn't violate the Mexican's rights but then turned right around and awarded them the $78,000 in actual and punitive damages to 6 of the illegal aliens on their claims of assault and infliction of emotional distress!
The eight person Jury (equally divided between both genders) said Barnett was innocent of all charges except to two cited in the damages award. David T. Hardy, Mr. Barnett's attorney , called it an "80 % victory" adding he wished Mr. Barnett could have gotten the other 20 percent, and said he was appealing U.S. District Judge John M. Roll's verdict. The trial was being called "landmark" I guess because of the magnitude of the dollar amount being sought against Roger Barnett, his wife, brother. Of course there was no mention made of Gerardo Gonzalez, the illegal alien previously deported for the U.S.A.in 1993 for for possession of a controlled substance with the intent to sale. The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) was mum on his behalf both before, and after the court trial! Mr. Barnett's attorney, Mr. Hardy, needs to persuse this, plus bring some kind of charges against MALDEF's credentials with the Arizona Bar Association, at least let them look into the case, and other cases MALDEF has handled in Az. Also, if I were Roger Barnett, I'd not let this stop me from protecting my property, you know 22,000 acres is a large area, I wonder how many "wet-backs" an area that size can hold...
The eight person Jury (equally divided between both genders) said Barnett was innocent of all charges except to two cited in the damages award. David T. Hardy, Mr. Barnett's attorney , called it an "80 % victory" adding he wished Mr. Barnett could have gotten the other 20 percent, and said he was appealing U.S. District Judge John M. Roll's verdict. The trial was being called "landmark" I guess because of the magnitude of the dollar amount being sought against Roger Barnett, his wife, brother. Of course there was no mention made of Gerardo Gonzalez, the illegal alien previously deported for the U.S.A.in 1993 for for possession of a controlled substance with the intent to sale. The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) was mum on his behalf both before, and after the court trial! Mr. Barnett's attorney, Mr. Hardy, needs to persuse this, plus bring some kind of charges against MALDEF's credentials with the Arizona Bar Association, at least let them look into the case, and other cases MALDEF has handled in Az. Also, if I were Roger Barnett, I'd not let this stop me from protecting my property, you know 22,000 acres is a large area, I wonder how many "wet-backs" an area that size can hold...
Monday, February 16, 2009
If it's Not Earmarks, Not Pork, then what the hell is it?
Well we now have a stimulus bill, soon to be a law, act, whatever Obama wants to call it! This bill, all $789 Billion of it doesn't have any earmarks? according to the Democrats it doesn't, but critics have pointed out $30 million for wetlands restoration in the San Francisco Bay area that will protect House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi's longtime pet project; protecting the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse... $30 million dollars! Of course Rep. Pelosi called the claim 'fabricated'! Another of her favorite pet projects; the program combating sexually transmitted diseases, and smoking prevention will be included for some of the 'gravy'. Here is a list of those 'fabricated' earmarks the Dem's are discounting; A clean burning power plant in Matoon, Ill., $200 Million; The National Computer Center, $750 Million; The National Institutes of Health Offices (Both located in Maryland), $500 Million; Funding new of Hybrid and Electric cars,(Including golf carts) for the Federal Government; $300 Million; Flood Prevention, $275 Million; Public Computer Centers for Community Colleges and Libraries, $200 Million; Digital TV Converter-box coupons, $650 Million; Oh I'm not finished yet, there is more... $1 Billion for administrative costs and construction of NOAA Office Buildings; $1.3 Billion for NSA, to include an additional $450 Million for science!
It's not real clear in my mind, but then I'm just a retired enlisted slob, but it still isn't very clear to me how any of the above is going to help anyone this country... Haven't the Media types been calling this "Obama's Stimulus Package"? Well then, just who the hell will be stimulated by these wasted dollars? And how much of it will be 'trickle-down economics"? Another question I have; if everyone is going to get at least $400 from all of this by my calculations that's roughly $5 to 8 billion right there, and that's only the single/head of household taxpayers, not the married ones. Our Governor, Betty Perdue of N.C. has already spent the money she 'claims' N.C. is gonna get, and I don't think anyone has announced that dollar figure yet! Aother question - where is all of this money coming from? Are the taxpayers going to get hit with bigger taxes, inflated pricetags on gasoline, food, auto's, utilities, etc.? How about the rise in unemployment? N.C. has already asked for a Federal handout on this, and we're only one State, there's 49 others with their hands out too! Well, we'll know more after tomorrow when Obama signs the Bill won't we?
It's not real clear in my mind, but then I'm just a retired enlisted slob, but it still isn't very clear to me how any of the above is going to help anyone this country... Haven't the Media types been calling this "Obama's Stimulus Package"? Well then, just who the hell will be stimulated by these wasted dollars? And how much of it will be 'trickle-down economics"? Another question I have; if everyone is going to get at least $400 from all of this by my calculations that's roughly $5 to 8 billion right there, and that's only the single/head of household taxpayers, not the married ones. Our Governor, Betty Perdue of N.C. has already spent the money she 'claims' N.C. is gonna get, and I don't think anyone has announced that dollar figure yet! Aother question - where is all of this money coming from? Are the taxpayers going to get hit with bigger taxes, inflated pricetags on gasoline, food, auto's, utilities, etc.? How about the rise in unemployment? N.C. has already asked for a Federal handout on this, and we're only one State, there's 49 others with their hands out too! Well, we'll know more after tomorrow when Obama signs the Bill won't we?
Roger Barnett's Trial Follow-up
Well folks, Douglas, Az. Rancher, Roger Barnett's Civil Suit brought about from charges imposed by the MALDEF Organization on behalf of 16 illegal immigrants is now in the hands of the Jury. Since Monday is a Federal Holiday, we'll have to wait until Tuesday to hear anymore in this case, but there is other 'spin-off' news dealing directly/indirectly with this all important Constitutional Rights case, here are a few;
Washington Times Friday, February 13, 2009
Gerardo Gonzalez, described in a lawsuit brought by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) as a 38-year-old Mexican citizen, was convicted in September 1993 for possession of a controlled substance for sale and ordered deported to his home country.
Gonzalez, whose illegal re-entry after removal under U.S. law would be another felony, is among five women and 11 men detained by Roger Barnett, owner of the Cross Rail Ranch near Douglas, Ariz.
The next article may sound like a spin-off from the Roger Barnett case, but it's not. From what I gathered from the website below, Mr. Davis, and volunteers, have been doing this for awhile;
Sierra Vista, Az. "The SV Herald" Friday, February 13, 2009
TOMBSTONE — "We don’t want to hurt anybody. An illegal border crosser is guilty only of a misdemeanor; it’s not a serious crime. They’re usually so tired and hungry, they just want to go back."Bill Davis, founder and director of the Cochise County Militia, was going over some of finer points of what can and cannot be done by people participating in the two-week-long border watch project that began Sunday morning. For information about the militia, visit www.cochisecountymilitia.org.
Tucson Citizen.com February 13, 2009, 8:11 p.m.
The Associated Press
Jurors have recessed after a day's deliberations in Tucson federal court in a lawsuit illegal immigrants brought against a southern Arizona rancher who detained them at gunpoint in 2004.
Deliberations began Friday and resume Tuesday - after Monday's federal holiday.
Six migrants claim that 66-year-old rancher Roger Barnett should pay compensation for violating their civil rights near Douglas. They allege he threatened to shoot anyone who tried to escape.
Barnett's lawyer argued that his land was inundated with illegal immigrants who left trash on his property, damaged his water supply and harmed his cattle. He began looking for and detaining migrants for the Border Patrol to protect his property.
Barnett is also accused of assault, battery, false imprisonment and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Of course these articles listed sound kind lacksy-dasical to most, but let me just say, that that part of the country, this illegal alien thing is an everyday thing, almost a 'ho-hum' type reaction on the part of the locals... They read, hear, and in some cases, live this story and others similar to it daily. So far as I know, the only News Media ,outside of the local Arizona newspapers, to take an interest in this story has been the Washington Times. I haven't found the story on any other major media outlet except the Washington Times. This is how nearly all illegal immigration cases go, they must be taboo or something, no major news media wants to pick one up and run it until it's conclusion! For their perserverance in this case, I applaud the Washington Times!
Washington Times Friday, February 13, 2009
Gerardo Gonzalez, described in a lawsuit brought by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) as a 38-year-old Mexican citizen, was convicted in September 1993 for possession of a controlled substance for sale and ordered deported to his home country.
Gonzalez, whose illegal re-entry after removal under U.S. law would be another felony, is among five women and 11 men detained by Roger Barnett, owner of the Cross Rail Ranch near Douglas, Ariz.
The next article may sound like a spin-off from the Roger Barnett case, but it's not. From what I gathered from the website below, Mr. Davis, and volunteers, have been doing this for awhile;
Sierra Vista, Az. "The SV Herald" Friday, February 13, 2009
TOMBSTONE — "We don’t want to hurt anybody. An illegal border crosser is guilty only of a misdemeanor; it’s not a serious crime. They’re usually so tired and hungry, they just want to go back."Bill Davis, founder and director of the Cochise County Militia, was going over some of finer points of what can and cannot be done by people participating in the two-week-long border watch project that began Sunday morning. For information about the militia, visit www.cochisecountymilitia.org.
Tucson Citizen.com February 13, 2009, 8:11 p.m.
The Associated Press
Jurors have recessed after a day's deliberations in Tucson federal court in a lawsuit illegal immigrants brought against a southern Arizona rancher who detained them at gunpoint in 2004.
Deliberations began Friday and resume Tuesday - after Monday's federal holiday.
Six migrants claim that 66-year-old rancher Roger Barnett should pay compensation for violating their civil rights near Douglas. They allege he threatened to shoot anyone who tried to escape.
Barnett's lawyer argued that his land was inundated with illegal immigrants who left trash on his property, damaged his water supply and harmed his cattle. He began looking for and detaining migrants for the Border Patrol to protect his property.
Barnett is also accused of assault, battery, false imprisonment and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Of course these articles listed sound kind lacksy-dasical to most, but let me just say, that that part of the country, this illegal alien thing is an everyday thing, almost a 'ho-hum' type reaction on the part of the locals... They read, hear, and in some cases, live this story and others similar to it daily. So far as I know, the only News Media ,outside of the local Arizona newspapers, to take an interest in this story has been the Washington Times. I haven't found the story on any other major media outlet except the Washington Times. This is how nearly all illegal immigration cases go, they must be taboo or something, no major news media wants to pick one up and run it until it's conclusion! For their perserverance in this case, I applaud the Washington Times!
Roger Barnett's fight for his/our future
I have long been an advocate for closing our Borders to the scub-bag Coyotes leading illegals (we used to call them wetbacks) into this country, as well as running drugs at the same time. Now one Arizona Rancher, Roger Barnett, 64, is being sued by 16 illegal aliens for $32 million dollars for violating their civil rights by stopping them, at gun point, on his ranch no less! The actual charges, according to the Washington Times are for actual and punitive damages for civil rights violations, the infliction of emotional distress and other crimes. This case is in Federal Court at this moment, but it is expected to conclude by this Friday. Also named in the Law Suit were Barnett's Wife, Barbara, his brother, Donald Barnett, and the Cochise County, Ariz. Sheriff, Larry Dever.
According to these poor illegals, Barnett was supposed to have detained them, on his ranch, a 22,000 acre spread near Douglas, Arizona March 7th, 2004, and threatened them with a handgun and his Dog. Mr. Barnett acknowledged to the Washington Times that he has detained and turned over 12,000 illegals to the Border Patrol since 1998. Apparently Barnett, when he detained any illegals, would use an FM 2-way radio to call his wife or brother, who then in turn called the Border Patrol. Attorneys for the "victims", five (5) women and eleven (11) men, are with the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) have also charged Sheriff Dever for doing nothing to prevent Mr. Barnett from holding their clients at "gunpoint, yelling obscenities at them and kicking one of the women." Mr Barnett was supposed to have yelled at one of the women in Spanish that his dog was hungry for mexican buttocks.
What really got my dander up over this is the fact that the Washington Times 1st interviewed Mr. Barnett in 2002... I don't remember reading anything about it seven years ago, do you? Another area that made my blood boil was early 2008 U.S. District Judge John Rollsrefused Mr. Barnett's request to drop the charges, saying there was sufficient evidence to allow the matter to be presented to a jury. Mr. Barnett's attorney, David Hardy, had argued that illegal immigrants did not have the same rights as U.S. citizens.
Mr. Barnett told the Washington Times in their 2002 intewrview that he began rounding up the illegals after they started vandalizing his property. He said they've torn up water pumps, killed cattle, destroyed fencing and gates, stole his truck, and broke into his home. Barnett said the has carried trash off his place that was sometimes piled 10 inches deep and included; human waste, used toilet paper, soiled diapers, cigarette packs, clotheing, backpacks, empty 1 gal. water bottles and aluminum foil used to pack the drugs the Coyotes (illegals smugglers) were bringing into the country. Barnett stated he even installed a faucet on an 8,000 water tank to keep the illegals from damaging the tank constantly.
Barnett's Cross Rail ranch became a prime avenue for the illegals after the Border Patrol had to divert it's attention to the Border towns in an effort to take control of the established ports of entry. Barnett said: "This is my land. I´m the victim here, When someone´s home and loved ones are in jeopardy and the government seemingly can´t do anything about it, I feel justified in taking matters into my own hands. And I always watch my back."
I sincerely hope Mr. Barnett, his Wife Barbara, brother Donald, and Sheriff Dever win their case and are acquited... This is an injustice that an American cannot exercise his Constitutional Right to protect his Family, Home, and Property, and it's a travesty and a complete miscarraige of justice to allow illegals to sue any damned body proptecting their homes and properties. Our Justice Department should demand that MALDEF and the Federal Judge to stand down! And that criminal and illegal Immigrations charges be brought against the 16 illegals involved and stiff prison sentences (In Mexico perferably) be brought against them!!! I'm sick and damned tired of our sorry criminal justice system allowing such trash as this to continue to take place in our court systems...
According to these poor illegals, Barnett was supposed to have detained them, on his ranch, a 22,000 acre spread near Douglas, Arizona March 7th, 2004, and threatened them with a handgun and his Dog. Mr. Barnett acknowledged to the Washington Times that he has detained and turned over 12,000 illegals to the Border Patrol since 1998. Apparently Barnett, when he detained any illegals, would use an FM 2-way radio to call his wife or brother, who then in turn called the Border Patrol. Attorneys for the "victims", five (5) women and eleven (11) men, are with the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) have also charged Sheriff Dever for doing nothing to prevent Mr. Barnett from holding their clients at "gunpoint, yelling obscenities at them and kicking one of the women." Mr Barnett was supposed to have yelled at one of the women in Spanish that his dog was hungry for mexican buttocks.
What really got my dander up over this is the fact that the Washington Times 1st interviewed Mr. Barnett in 2002... I don't remember reading anything about it seven years ago, do you? Another area that made my blood boil was early 2008 U.S. District Judge John Rollsrefused Mr. Barnett's request to drop the charges, saying there was sufficient evidence to allow the matter to be presented to a jury. Mr. Barnett's attorney, David Hardy, had argued that illegal immigrants did not have the same rights as U.S. citizens.
Mr. Barnett told the Washington Times in their 2002 intewrview that he began rounding up the illegals after they started vandalizing his property. He said they've torn up water pumps, killed cattle, destroyed fencing and gates, stole his truck, and broke into his home. Barnett said the has carried trash off his place that was sometimes piled 10 inches deep and included; human waste, used toilet paper, soiled diapers, cigarette packs, clotheing, backpacks, empty 1 gal. water bottles and aluminum foil used to pack the drugs the Coyotes (illegals smugglers) were bringing into the country. Barnett stated he even installed a faucet on an 8,000 water tank to keep the illegals from damaging the tank constantly.
Barnett's Cross Rail ranch became a prime avenue for the illegals after the Border Patrol had to divert it's attention to the Border towns in an effort to take control of the established ports of entry. Barnett said: "This is my land. I´m the victim here, When someone´s home and loved ones are in jeopardy and the government seemingly can´t do anything about it, I feel justified in taking matters into my own hands. And I always watch my back."
I sincerely hope Mr. Barnett, his Wife Barbara, brother Donald, and Sheriff Dever win their case and are acquited... This is an injustice that an American cannot exercise his Constitutional Right to protect his Family, Home, and Property, and it's a travesty and a complete miscarraige of justice to allow illegals to sue any damned body proptecting their homes and properties. Our Justice Department should demand that MALDEF and the Federal Judge to stand down! And that criminal and illegal Immigrations charges be brought against the 16 illegals involved and stiff prison sentences (In Mexico perferably) be brought against them!!! I'm sick and damned tired of our sorry criminal justice system allowing such trash as this to continue to take place in our court systems...
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