Barack Obama has chosen a possible 2012 rival to "exile" to Communist China as the United States Ambassador... Utah's Republican Governor, Jon M. Huntsman Jr. comes with a swelled resume in Government and Foreign Relations, ie.; White House Staff Assistant in the Reagan Administration, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce and the U.S. Ambassador to Singapore under George H.W. Bush, and a U.S. Trade Representative under George W. Bush. One top of all of that he and his family both lived and worked in Taipei, Tiawan in the late 80's as an LDS Mission Representative. Gov. Huntsman speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese.
I feel he is the right candidate for the job, but I just wonder why he accepted so quickly? Exactly what was Obama's motive behind his choice of nominee for this Post? How much influence did Hilliary have in the decision-making over Obama selecting Governor Huntsman? What better way to take a person out of the loop as a potential Presidential Campaign rival in 2012, or any other year than this? Didn't Sen. John McCain suggest Gov. Huntsman as a possible Republican Candidate in 2012? Which brings up another question; What happened to all of the Republican enthusiasm over Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, or Mark Sanford of S.C.? Just a couple months ago these were the Republican Parties new rising Stars... What happened? Maybe after watching Obama and his Democrat Cronies (plus Specter, Snowe, and Collins Rino's all) run up a deficit of $9.3 Trillion Dollars by 2013 all three said "No Way!".
Maybe we could talk someone like Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va. the Republican Minority Whip in the House to step up to the plate... His opponents would probably attack his Jewish religious background, as did Mitt Romney's opponents attack his Morman religious beliefs in the 2008 Primaries, but it wouldn't be the first time Congressman Cantor has faced that kind of predjudism. Congressman Cantor has served as Chairman of the Congressional Taskforce on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, and as Committee Member on the House Finacial Services Committee and the all powerful House Ways and Means Committee. We could recruit Louisianna's Governor, Bobby Jindal to run on the same ticket with Congressman Cantor! Bobby Jindal has a M.Litt. Degree in Political Science from the University of Oxford, and is a Rhodes Scholar to boot. Oh! by the way... Governor Jindal is a Roman Catholic for any of you who who cares. He was born a Hindu but converted to Catholism while in high school. I would definitely campaign for and vote for a Cantor/Jindal ticket in 2012, wouldn't you?
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The New Democratic Socialist Agenda
The New World Order, The New Party and the DSA, and the radical group called "The Public Allies", with the exception of maybe the "New World Order", how many people have heard of the New Party, the DSA, or the Public Allies? Would you believe that your new President, "The Messiah" I believe the media was calling him last year, and his wife Michelle are active in all four Organizations? In fact Barack Obama is one of the founders of the Chicago Chapter of the Public Allies Organization, which was founded in 1992. Once the Chicago branch was up and running, Barack stepped down and Michelle became the Public Allies new director. Public Allies is a Socialist Organization affiliated with the AmeriCorps. that Bill Clinton sponsored in the early 90's. The group uses tax payer dollars to pay people who sign up. The Public Allies paid members spend most of their time protesting. Public Allies teaches the young adults that work for them that America is a racist, oppressive place in need of "social change.
The next group up the ladder is the DSA, or "Democratic Socialists of America", which is two organizations merged into one; the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DOSC) and the New American Movement (NAM). The DSA has among it's members a few Organizations and individuals you might know or have heard of, such as; United Farm Workers co-founder Delores Huerta, the Intl. Assoc. of Machinists and Aerospace Workers President William W. Winpisinger. In the Entertainment and Journalism Fields; Critic Irving Howe, Journalist Gloria Steinem, Author Barbara Ehrenreich, and former Acting Quild President Ed Asner. In the Political arena the DSA is full; former Congressman Ron Dellums, and 1997 New York mayorial candidate Ruth Messinger, UAW's co-founder Victor Reuther, The list goes on and on.
The New Party of America? the New Party was founded by the DSA in the early 90's to act as their Political Party to push forth the socialist principles of the DSA by focusing on winnable elections at a local level and spreading the Socialist movement upwards. The New Party endorsed Barack Obama last year when he was a Presidential Candidate, just like they endorsed him in his campaign for his State Senate Seat in Illinois. They can't deny it either! Here is a quote from their own website;
" New Party members are busy knocking on doors, hammering down lawn signs, and phoning voters to support NP candidates this fall. Here are some of our key races... llinois: Three NP-members won Democratic primaries last Spring and face off against Republican opponents on election day: Danny Davis (U.S. House), Barack Obama (State Senate) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary)."
And of course everyone knows about the supposed "New World Order" that former Sec.of State Dr. Henry Kissinger always referred to during the late 80's - 90's. It supposedly involves Worldwide Socialism with Representatives from every Country on Earth under one governing body, The United Nations! Remember? Sen. John Kerry kept harping on this topic in his 2004 failed bid for the White House job. He wanted "World Approval" on our War on Terror, among other hot buttons during his failed campaign.
Where am I going with all of this? I simply want to bring to light a few facts that back up the claim that the far left-wing Democrats are in fact working steadily toward their goal of enslaving us all... Take for instance Obama's desire to ratify the CIFTA agreement with the 34 OAS Countries involved, his push for tighter restrictions on Gun Owners and Gun Ownership, his micro-management of our Military, One Commander, Adm. James Stavridis, was removed from his command by SecofDef. Robert Gates for bringing to light the Hamas/Hazbullah presence in South and Central America, another Commander, Gen. McKiernan was removed from his command as Allied Commander of Coalition Forces in Afghanistan for no real apparent reason, at least none made know to the public!
All these changes, backed by the facts, lead me to believe that it is true... Obama does in fact want to make us no more that just another third world country...
The next group up the ladder is the DSA, or "Democratic Socialists of America", which is two organizations merged into one; the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DOSC) and the New American Movement (NAM). The DSA has among it's members a few Organizations and individuals you might know or have heard of, such as; United Farm Workers co-founder Delores Huerta, the Intl. Assoc. of Machinists and Aerospace Workers President William W. Winpisinger. In the Entertainment and Journalism Fields; Critic Irving Howe, Journalist Gloria Steinem, Author Barbara Ehrenreich, and former Acting Quild President Ed Asner. In the Political arena the DSA is full; former Congressman Ron Dellums, and 1997 New York mayorial candidate Ruth Messinger, UAW's co-founder Victor Reuther, The list goes on and on.
The New Party of America? the New Party was founded by the DSA in the early 90's to act as their Political Party to push forth the socialist principles of the DSA by focusing on winnable elections at a local level and spreading the Socialist movement upwards. The New Party endorsed Barack Obama last year when he was a Presidential Candidate, just like they endorsed him in his campaign for his State Senate Seat in Illinois. They can't deny it either! Here is a quote from their own website;
" New Party members are busy knocking on doors, hammering down lawn signs, and phoning voters to support NP candidates this fall. Here are some of our key races... llinois: Three NP-members won Democratic primaries last Spring and face off against Republican opponents on election day: Danny Davis (U.S. House), Barack Obama (State Senate) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary)."
And of course everyone knows about the supposed "New World Order" that former Sec.of State Dr. Henry Kissinger always referred to during the late 80's - 90's. It supposedly involves Worldwide Socialism with Representatives from every Country on Earth under one governing body, The United Nations! Remember? Sen. John Kerry kept harping on this topic in his 2004 failed bid for the White House job. He wanted "World Approval" on our War on Terror, among other hot buttons during his failed campaign.
Where am I going with all of this? I simply want to bring to light a few facts that back up the claim that the far left-wing Democrats are in fact working steadily toward their goal of enslaving us all... Take for instance Obama's desire to ratify the CIFTA agreement with the 34 OAS Countries involved, his push for tighter restrictions on Gun Owners and Gun Ownership, his micro-management of our Military, One Commander, Adm. James Stavridis, was removed from his command by SecofDef. Robert Gates for bringing to light the Hamas/Hazbullah presence in South and Central America, another Commander, Gen. McKiernan was removed from his command as Allied Commander of Coalition Forces in Afghanistan for no real apparent reason, at least none made know to the public!
All these changes, backed by the facts, lead me to believe that it is true... Obama does in fact want to make us no more that just another third world country...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Is this Education?
Can you believe it? This one of the very reasons why I chose NOT to move back to my home state after retiring from the military in 1983. I used to be proud to say I was a Colorado native, But not anymore! What am I talking about you ask? read the Link I've provided and be ready to get madder than H--L! I know I am right now, this is pure B.S. that people like this are allowed in the classroom, let alone walk the streets!
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Followup on Pelosi and her role in the CIA Interrogations Debacle
House Speaker, and third in-line to be President, Nancy Pelosi, D-Ca., insisted she didn't know anything at all about the CIA using waterboarding on accused Terrorists while George W. Bush was POTUS. At least that's her story, and she is sticking with it... But Rep. Pete Hoeskstra, R-Mi., and now even the CIA itself, says differently, but Pelosi's spokesperson is still sticking to the script of denial based on the fact that the CIA Brief Pelosi attended didn't clearly address the subject of waterboarding. Rep. Hoekstra is the ranking Republican on the House Inteligence Committee, and he brings up an interesting, and valid arguement, and I quote him;
"I think that nobody wants to take any accountability for it, Is it fair to go after people in the CIA or at the Justice Department when Congress was briefed on this program and knew it was going on? That doesn't seem very fair to me. If there is going to be any accountability, Congress is where it needs to start."
What Rep. Hoeskstra is saying makes sense, at least to me anyway. Right now quite a few Democrats are all for starting a witch hunt on this subject, all means President O'Boy too, of course he is sorta-kinda hiding behind the scenes and letting his AG, Eric Holder do his talking, like Pelosi is letting her spokesperson do hers. Liberals are calling the interrogation technic's "Torture" "It's a Crime!", their demanding the heads of those in the CIA and the past Justice Department just to cover their own behinds! If we allow them to prosecute one CIA or Justce Dept. employee over this, then we have to demand that all of those who took in the proceedings, or CIA Briefs be prosecuted also. That would include House Speaker Pelosi, who by her own admission was briefed once in September, 2002 when she was a senior member of the House Inteligence Committee, and her replacement on that committee, Rep. Jane Harman, D-Ca. was also present at one briefing in February, 2003! So it isn't like anyone in Congress didn't know, just like Rep. Hoekstra said.
According to the new CIA Director, Leon Panetta in his 5/6/2009 letter accompanying the CIA Brief records to Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-Tx., which shows the Congress was briefed 40 times by the CIA, and 13 of the briefings the subject of waterboarding was covered. DCI Panetta stated on the cover letter; "In the end, you and the Committee will have to determine whether this information is an accurate summary of what actually happened."
AG Eric Holder wants to go forward with this so bad he can't stand it, but he knows what kind of a "bucket of worms" this witch hunt can turn into, as does his Boss. I feel they will simply let this play out until the Media gets tired of it and quits, afterall it's their feeding frenzy that has kept it going so far...
"I think that nobody wants to take any accountability for it, Is it fair to go after people in the CIA or at the Justice Department when Congress was briefed on this program and knew it was going on? That doesn't seem very fair to me. If there is going to be any accountability, Congress is where it needs to start."
What Rep. Hoeskstra is saying makes sense, at least to me anyway. Right now quite a few Democrats are all for starting a witch hunt on this subject, all means President O'Boy too, of course he is sorta-kinda hiding behind the scenes and letting his AG, Eric Holder do his talking, like Pelosi is letting her spokesperson do hers. Liberals are calling the interrogation technic's "Torture" "It's a Crime!", their demanding the heads of those in the CIA and the past Justice Department just to cover their own behinds! If we allow them to prosecute one CIA or Justce Dept. employee over this, then we have to demand that all of those who took in the proceedings, or CIA Briefs be prosecuted also. That would include House Speaker Pelosi, who by her own admission was briefed once in September, 2002 when she was a senior member of the House Inteligence Committee, and her replacement on that committee, Rep. Jane Harman, D-Ca. was also present at one briefing in February, 2003! So it isn't like anyone in Congress didn't know, just like Rep. Hoekstra said.
According to the new CIA Director, Leon Panetta in his 5/6/2009 letter accompanying the CIA Brief records to Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-Tx., which shows the Congress was briefed 40 times by the CIA, and 13 of the briefings the subject of waterboarding was covered. DCI Panetta stated on the cover letter; "In the end, you and the Committee will have to determine whether this information is an accurate summary of what actually happened."
AG Eric Holder wants to go forward with this so bad he can't stand it, but he knows what kind of a "bucket of worms" this witch hunt can turn into, as does his Boss. I feel they will simply let this play out until the Media gets tired of it and quits, afterall it's their feeding frenzy that has kept it going so far...
Friday, May 1, 2009
The 2009 Swine Flu Panic
Well there you have it folks, President O-Boy has spoken and according Dr. Barack Hussien O-Boy we have nothing to worry about with the current Swine Flu scare. What he actually said went like this; "It may turn out that H1N1 ... runs its course like all ordinary flus, in which case we will have prepared and we won't need all these preparations." Dr. DH O-Boy's analogy of the virus scare is simple; he said part of the concern about this strain is that because it is so new, many people will not have built up an immunity to it. My question to our Medical Wisard in Chief would be; "How do you build up an imunity to a disease Oh Powerful Wizard?"
Someone has probably told the "Boy Wonder" from Chicago, via Hawaii, via California, via Indonesia, via Mombosa, Kenya that only 140 US Citizens out of 304 million have contracted Swine Flu, 1 boy, (not even an American citizen) has died in this country from the Swine Flu. Worldwide, there have been a mire 331 cases confirmed, out of a total world population of 6.77 billion people, O-Boy included!
From what I have read so far of the WorldWide panic, the biggest victims of the Flu so far are the Hogs themselves! Egypt ordered over 300,000 hogs in that country exterminated in a frantic effort to ward off the disease. England, with only 5 reported cases, has ordered 32 million masks for their people! The funniest one of all though is out of Germany where just three cases have been reported, they are placing a Doctor aboard all Lufthansa flights to Mexico! Japan, South Korea, Greece and Turkey are using Thermal Camera's at their Airports to verify if the passengers have a fever, if they do, they are denied entry into that country.
I don't have the answer, I'm not as wise as Dr. BH O-Boy I guess. But I do think it's humorous to sit back and watch the panic. Lets see, how many of these have I witnessed? The Asian Flu in the 50's, Hong Kong flu in the late 60's, We've has the Bird flu, and several flu panics due to swine in the past. The only virus I've seen kill off millions so far has been AIDS/ HIV, and it's still killing people!
Someone has probably told the "Boy Wonder" from Chicago, via Hawaii, via California, via Indonesia, via Mombosa, Kenya that only 140 US Citizens out of 304 million have contracted Swine Flu, 1 boy, (not even an American citizen) has died in this country from the Swine Flu. Worldwide, there have been a mire 331 cases confirmed, out of a total world population of 6.77 billion people, O-Boy included!
From what I have read so far of the WorldWide panic, the biggest victims of the Flu so far are the Hogs themselves! Egypt ordered over 300,000 hogs in that country exterminated in a frantic effort to ward off the disease. England, with only 5 reported cases, has ordered 32 million masks for their people! The funniest one of all though is out of Germany where just three cases have been reported, they are placing a Doctor aboard all Lufthansa flights to Mexico! Japan, South Korea, Greece and Turkey are using Thermal Camera's at their Airports to verify if the passengers have a fever, if they do, they are denied entry into that country.
I don't have the answer, I'm not as wise as Dr. BH O-Boy I guess. But I do think it's humorous to sit back and watch the panic. Lets see, how many of these have I witnessed? The Asian Flu in the 50's, Hong Kong flu in the late 60's, We've has the Bird flu, and several flu panics due to swine in the past. The only virus I've seen kill off millions so far has been AIDS/ HIV, and it's still killing people!
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