Friday, May 8, 2009

A Followup on Pelosi and her role in the CIA Interrogations Debacle

House Speaker, and third in-line to be President, Nancy Pelosi, D-Ca., insisted she didn't know anything at all about the CIA using waterboarding on accused Terrorists while George W. Bush was POTUS. At least that's her story, and she is sticking with it... But Rep. Pete Hoeskstra, R-Mi., and now even the CIA itself, says differently, but Pelosi's spokesperson is still sticking to the script of denial based on the fact that the CIA Brief Pelosi attended didn't clearly address the subject of waterboarding. Rep. Hoekstra is the ranking Republican on the House Inteligence Committee, and he brings up an interesting, and valid arguement, and I quote him;

"I think that nobody wants to take any accountability for it, Is it fair to go after people in the CIA or at the Justice Department when Congress was briefed on this program and knew it was going on? That doesn't seem very fair to me. If there is going to be any accountability, Congress is where it needs to start."
What Rep. Hoeskstra is saying makes sense, at least to me anyway. Right now quite a few Democrats are all for starting a witch hunt on this subject, all means President O'Boy too, of course he is sorta-kinda hiding behind the scenes and letting his AG, Eric Holder do his talking, like Pelosi is letting her spokesperson do hers. Liberals are calling the interrogation technic's "Torture" "It's a Crime!", their demanding the heads of those in the CIA and the past Justice Department just to cover their own behinds! If we allow them to prosecute one CIA or Justce Dept. employee over this, then we have to demand that all of those who took in the proceedings, or CIA Briefs be prosecuted also. That would include House Speaker Pelosi, who by her own admission was briefed once in September, 2002 when she was a senior member of the House Inteligence Committee, and her replacement on that committee, Rep. Jane Harman, D-Ca. was also present at one briefing in February, 2003! So it isn't like anyone in Congress didn't know, just like Rep. Hoekstra said.

According to the new CIA Director, Leon Panetta in his 5/6/2009 letter accompanying the CIA Brief records to Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-Tx., which shows the Congress was briefed 40 times by the CIA, and 13 of the briefings the subject of waterboarding was covered. DCI Panetta stated on the cover letter; "In the end, you and the Committee will have to determine whether this information is an accurate summary of what actually happened."

AG Eric Holder wants to go forward with this so bad he can't stand it, but he knows what kind of a "bucket of worms" this witch hunt can turn into, as does his Boss. I feel they will simply let this play out until the Media gets tired of it and quits, afterall it's their feeding frenzy that has kept it going so far...

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