Sunday, March 29, 2009

Another broken promise from Obama to you!

I know there are some of you who get a little tired of hearing me sound off about Obama. Quite frankly though, he is easy to sound off about because he gives you so much ammo to throw at him with all of his broken campaign promises. It is a close race on who has broken more campaign promises at this point in their Presidencies, Obama or Bill Clinton. For the most part Clinton's broken promises didn't cost the taxpayers and consumers much though, but it seems everything Obama touches costs us! His latest broken promise will hit those who use Tobacco products, rolling papers, and cigar tubes too! For the actual dollar breakdown, go to;
When Obama signed The Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 ("Act," Public Law 111-3), into law on February 4, 2009, he broke a campaign promise made on September 12, 2008 in Dover, NH;

"I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes."

According to the President of Americans For Tax Reform (ATR) Grover Norquist:

"President Obama may just laugh it off, as he has gotten into the habit of doing – but for these consumers of legal products most of whom make significantly less than $250,000 this broken promise resulting in a tax increase is all but funny. These are tough economic times, yet the only answer President Obama seems to have is to tax, spend and break a few promises along the way. Is this ‘change we can believe in?"

From what I have heard and read, some over exuberent Wholesalers are already charging retailers the new tax hike even before it goes into effect 4/1/2009! We hear of price gouging all the time when gasoline prices are inflated, or whenever we have a natural disaster, and all the effected States AG's go bonkers over it, but where are they on this one?

North Carolinians just this month, March, 2009, experienced an increase in the taxes on cigarettes of $0.73 per pack, and now this increase of an additional $0.61 a pack! Isn't that called a double whammy? Whats next? Alcohol? Fast Foods? Why not Video Games too? Conservatives need to stand up and make their voices heard (Notice I didn't specify Republicans? There are Conservative Democrats too!). It's too late to write to your Congressman or Senator over this, it's been Law since 2/4/2009 (Obama slid this one in on you!)... But you can tell them that, "Enough is enough!" (By the way, I'm a Non-Smoker and Non-Drinker, but not always...).

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Obama's "New Strategy" for Afghanistan

Have you noticed how so many American's are afraid of speaking out against Barack H. Obama? Like one CNN Reporter put it; "Many Americans are so emotionally invested in the Obama presidency that they consider it too historic to fail, whatever goes wrong that they can't defend or deflect, they just blame on George W. Bush." The Reporter; Ruben Navarrette Jr., was fair in his assessment of Obama in his article titled - Commentary- Obama is flunking economics. You can read it at:

Isn't it funny how during his Campaign for the White House, Obama repeatedly called Gen. David Petraeus's Troop Surge effort "A dismal failure", as did Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden, the other two white house hopefuls. Now he wants to do the exact same thing in Afghanistan by sending 17000 U.S. Soldiers to Afghanistan to counter the increased violence from the Talaban hiding in Pakistan. From what I have read the Pakistan Inteligence Service is aiding the Talaban insurgents in their Islamic Jihadi War aginst us Infidels, and yet Obama has promised the Pakistani President, Asif Ali Zardari, $1.5 Billion in Aid every year, or until the Al Qaeda and Taliban are defeated. Hell, that's probably equal to their entire GNP! More and more I'm believing this clown is an idiot! Earlier this past week Obama announced that we would no longer refer to the fighting in the middleeast and in the Philippines as "The War on Terror", instead, we are to refer to it as our "Overseas Contigency Operations." My question is simple; What the Hell is an Overseas Contigency Operation?

In his toughest voice yesterday (Fri. 3/27/09) when announcing his "New Strategy" in Afghanistan, Obama stated he didn't want to get tied down in a Quagmire, that he wanted a clear "exit strategy" out of the "Overseas Contingent Operations" when the time comes to leave. Excuse me, but did I miss something? In one speech he says he wants to destroy the Al Qaeda and Taliban, and in this speech he says he wants to be able cry "Uncle" when the time comes! Army Gen. David McKiernan, the U.S. Commander in Afghanistan has requested a force increase of 35,000 additional troops this year, instead though, Obama has authorized only 17,000 combat troops, and an additional 4,000 troops to help train the Police and Military of Afghanistan. In addition to the Army and Marines being sent to that front, Obama is sending "hundreds" of civilian State Department and personnel from other U.S. Agencies to "improve Afghanistan's ability to goven itself." (Which will be interesting, as President Hamid Karzai, the President of Afghanistan, has NOT asked for any help to improve his countries ability to govern itself!

Only time will tell, but how much time do we have? Fox News ran another article today that stated more Hezbollah are entering our country illegally from Mexico everyday, Cezar Chavez is offering whole islands to Russia for their Military, N. Korea is talling about shooting off an ICBM next month, (Both Japan and the U.S. has said we will shoot it dawn if N. Korea goes ahead with their plans!), and last but not least, China has been drastically rebuilding their Military in hopes of returning control of Tiawan to the Mainland Communist's. Of course we still havea force of 850 of U.S. Special Forces and Navy Seals operating in the Philippines against the Al Qada linked Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) is the smallest of the four Islamic Terror groups in the Philippines, and the most violent, the others are; Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), and the New Peoples Army (NPA) which is the militant branch of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).

My point of mentioning the Philippines is to illustrate a faction of the Terrorism in the world where we have U.S. Military, and civilian personnel in harms way and that nobody ever hears about from the news media. We also have Military in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand either fighting or training the military and or police of those countries in their fight against Al Qaeda factions within their borders. But once again, you have to turn to the internet to discover this for yourself, the news media isn't going to tell you!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Apologize for what???

I'm confused, I really am, I'd like to ask you a question that will probably bring out the worst of some people... So far in this country there are six States that have apologized for Slavery; Florida (the latest one), Alabama, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Virginia. Now Conneticut is about to add their State's name to that list. My question is; Why are we apologizing now, 144 years after the end of the Civil War, (Which, by the way, wasn't fought over Slavery in the first place, but instead the major cause was undue and seemingly unfair import/export Tariff's). The reason I ask 'Why' is simply this - did anyone alive today have anything to do with the subject? Or is anyone alive today who is a survivor of Slavery? Now I want to make one thing perfectly clear, I am in no way prejudice against Blacks, I never have been, never will be, and this question wasn't intended to be racial. I just don't think this generation, (or future generations) needs to apologize for something we had absolutely nothing to do with, do you?

If all of us are so eager to apologize for the attrocities of those in another time, another century, why don't we add the millions who came to this country as "Indentured Servants"? That is how my Father's Parents became American Citizens in the late 1880's - 1890's. Why not apologize to the Cherokee and Choctaw Indians for what Presidents Jackson and Van Buren did to them in 1831 under the terms of the "Indian Removal Act of 1830" signed by Andrew Jackson and carried out by Martin Van Buren. The 'Five Civilized Tribes' residing in Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina and Tennessee were then rounded up, placed in 'concentration camps' by Federal Troops, eventually they were force marched to the Oklahoma Territories for 'resettlement'. Why? in 1828 Gold was discovered in the area of Georgia that now separated all four states involved by their State boundrylines, and that was why... Greed!

As for apologizing to the African-American population, I'm not saying 'No', but I am saying, don't include me, or expect me to apologize for something I had absolutely nothing to do with... If the States are going to start apologizing to every group of folks, or ethnic background then they need to begin first with the 'Red Man'!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My View of Our Nation March 19, 2009

Well it's finally been called off! Whew!!! I thought for a moment there that we were going to have a Veteran revolt over our Clown in Charge (CIC) attempting to start charging Service related disabled Vets to have to pay for their Medical treatment via the Veterans Administration Medical Services. Only after Politician's from both parties refused to support him, and Veterans Organization Executives from all Vet Organizations lobbied against this brain-fart did Obama back off, but he still has yet to say so himself, instead he had his #2 Clown, Nancy Pelosi to make the announcement. I guess Gen. Shinseki, Obama's new VA Secretary will have to get his $534 Million elesewhere, won't he?
In other news of the Obama Administration and Democrat corruption, both Treasury Sec. Tim Gaithner and Senator Christopher Dodd have fallen on their swords over their part in asking for, and amending the Stimulus to allow AIG to pay bonus's of nearly $170 million to their Executives, (not counting the $4 million the Fannie Mae Executives are supposted to have recieved). I felt sorry for the new AIG CEO, Edward Liddy, yesterday as he had to appologize to a House Committee for something he had little or nothing to do with. At least he said some of the AIG Exec's are giving half of the money back. Like Newt Gingrich said, instead of throwing more money at the outfit, AIG should be allowed to simply go bankrupt and liquidate. The Government didn't attempt to hold up Bear Stearns did they? No, they simply went away...
In the meantime, I guess it's "pay-off time" for ACORN! Have you heard the Obama Administration has given the task of recruiting 1.4 million temporary Census Workers for the U.S. Census Bureau, and he has nominated to the Federal Bench one of ACORN's Loyalists! Can you believe the Kehonee's of this Guy? He has just nominated David F. Hamilton to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit that covers Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin. The Judicial Confirmation Network notes that Hamilton previously worked as a fundraiser for ACORN, the radical direct-action group that not only resurrects the dead and gets them to the polls every election but also shakes down banks and pressures them to make home loans to people who can’t afford to pay them back. Just the U.S. Census alone is bad enough, Congressional Districts are formed, Tax money laid out, etc., just on the racial composition compiled from this once every 10 years inventory of our Citizens and their demographics! But to possibly add a Judge sympathetic to ACORN's cause is a bit to much... If this is allowed to happen, then all their appeals for lost cases in the future will be funneled through the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals and Judge David F. Hamilton! In effect they would become the "Untouchables".

On another front... The Commander of the U.S. Southern Command, Navy Adm. James G. Stavridis warned the Senate Armed Services Committee Tuesday of increases Iranian and Hezbollah activities in several South American Countries. Admiral Stavridis stated his sources has reported a direct connection in Columbia between Iranian and Hezbollah in the Drug Trafficking activity. He also stated he has seen increased activities from Iranian and Hezbollah factions in Brazil, Paraquay, and Argentina. This in and of itself is disturbing, at least to me it is! If allowed to gain a foot hold on the Western Hemisphere, anywhere, these Terrorists can an will use it it as a training ground to launch new attacks against us! I can only hope someone is paying attention to this Officer. Although in other News, the DOD Secretary, Robert Gates, wants to "promote" Adm. Stavridis and give him a new Command ASAP!!! I've never trusted Sec. Gates, his CIA background greatly overrides his time as a U.S. Congressman before assuming Donald Rumsfeld's Job...

By the way, what is a "Moderate Taliban"? If anyone knows, Please enlighten me, will you? According to a Washington Times March 18th article the Saudi Government and the brother of the Afghanistanian President, Hamid Karzai, Qayum Karzai are entering into talks with a "Moderate Taliban" Spokesman, a former bin Laden associate, Abdullah Anas is acting as intermediary for the Taliban. What they are trying to do, I think, is come up with an idea to get the Taliban away from Terrorism and back into the Afghan mainstream. According to the Washington Times article, Barack Obama seems to favor at half of the agenda. the eventual departure of Coalition troops. The critical question is whether the U.S. would accept renewed Taliban rule, with all that implies: radical shariah law, oppression of women, destruction of the Afghan culture, and ruthless suppression of political opponents. I fully concur with the Washington Times accessment of the situtation;

"The alignment of interests seems to be pointing in that direction, and once the U.S. leaves Afghanistan a resurgent Taliban may be unavoidable. Furthermore, the U.S. cannot trust Taliban promises not to support terrorism in the future - it never admitted al Qaeda was a terrorist group to begin with. So in a few years we may be left with Mullah Omar back in Kabul, oppressing the Afghan people and granting safe haven for a new generation of Islamist terrorists. It seems like our country has gone to a lot of time and trouble just to return to the 1990s" .

This Man is Hell Bent to tear down everything George Bush and our American Servicemen have fought so long and hard for... Shades of Viet Nam all over again...

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Insider Players of the Subprime Scandal

I know I've wrote accusing articles against Rep. Barney Frank, Senator Christopher Dodd, Andrew Cuomo, Henry Ciserneros, and Bill Clinton over their part in the Sub-Prime Mortgage scandal that has us in the condition we are in at the present time. Well now it is time to take a look at some names not to many of you will recognize, or remember... Do the names; Franklin Raines, James A. Johnson, and Jamie Gorelick ring a bell? No? All three are Democrats, and all three were top Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac Executives that made a killing off the Sub-Prime feeding frenzy of the late 1990's early 2000's. Lets take them one at a time, okay?

First I'll begin with Franklin Raines, CEO of Fannie Mae from 1999 to 2004, prior to that he was a former Clinton Budget Director, and is now a current Housing Policy advisor to Barack H. Obama. From 1999 through 2004, or until Mr. Raines was forced to resign his CEO position by the very people who gave him the job - the U.S. Congress! Mr. Raines total estimated earning during this above six year time frame was $90 Million (Taxpayer)Dollars! He was accused of "Cooking the Books" Prior to Franklin Raines tenor as Fannie Mae CEO, he followed another unscrupulous Democrat by the name of James A. Johnson...

James A. Johnson became a name in Democratic Political circles when he served as Campaign Manager for Walter Mondale's failed 1984 Presidential Campaign. Then after serving as CEO of the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) from 1991 to 1998 Mr. Johnson served on the Vice Presidential Selection Committee's of both Senator's John F. Kerry in 2004 and Barack Hussien Obama II in 2008. But Mr. Johnson was forced to step down from the vetting processes of Obama's V.P. search because of an ad Senator John McCain ran linking Johnson to the Countrywide Financial Subprime Mortgage Scandal and Countrywide's CEO, Angelo Mozilo. Both Franklin Raines and James A. Johnson were reputed to have recieved loans directly from Mozilo. (Also two key Democratic Senators; Sen.'s Christopher Dodd, D-CT., Senate Banking Committe Chmn., and Kent Conrad, D-ND, recieved large direct loans from Angelo Mozilo and the Bank of America, which bought Countrywide after the scandal broke!) For his time as Fannie Mae CEO, Mr. Johnson was paid a reported $21 Million (Taxpayer) Dollars!

The last Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Executive involved in the subprime bebacle was a female, Jamie Gorelick. Ms. Gorelick was Vice Chairperson of the FNMA from 1997 to 2003. For her undying dedication and devotion to her job, Ms. Gorelick was compensated $26 Million (Taxpayer) Dollars during her seven year tenor! Ms. Gorelick began her Political Career as a Deputy Attorney General under the Clinton Administration before moving on to the FNMA. Later she was appointed by then Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle as a Commissioner on the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States to investigate the circumstances leading up to the 9/11/2001 Terrorist Attacks.

So there you have it folks, the silent, behind the scenes players in the Housing Scandal, the taxpayer dollars they were compensated for putting us in the position we are presently in. Not only that, but to rub salt in our wounds, nothing was ever done to any of the three and none were made to repay on nickle of the money they ripped us off for! Who was it that said "Crime really pays well"?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Obama's Presidential honeymoon first half

Well we're finally at the halfway point of "The Messiah Obama's" 100 day Presidential Honeymoon period, day 50 for those of you who can't add or subtract, LOL! My grandson asked me the other day what a Presidential Honeymoon period was for, and the best answer I could give him was found on, which sez; "The Presidential 'honeymoon' is the short period after a President is inaugurated when the opposition party refrains from attack, Congress is inclined to support some of the President's initiatives, and the President receives high public approval ratings. Within a month or two partisan attacks generally resume and the honeymoon period ends."

Now lets put Obama's first 50 days in proper perspective to him being suseptible to attack from his opposition party. When a President initiates Government takeovers of major banks, select major manufacturing companies, ie.; the AutoMakers "Big 3", which in turn causes Wall Street stocks to tumble 25 to 27 %, or from 8900 points down to 6600 points in his 1st 50 days, do you think his opposition party should refrain from attacking him , or his initiatives? How about when three out of four, (Treasury Secretary Timothy Gaithner was confirmed despite owing $23,000 in back taxes) of his picks for key Cabinet Posts are forced to withdraw from confirmation hearings because of not paying their taxes, all of which should have been caught during the Vetting process of each appointee's background, do you think his opposition party should refrain from attacking him ?

Our fledgling President who liken's himself to President Abraham Lincoln (due simply because both were from Illinois) has overturned nearly everything him and his advisors can think of that his predecessor, George W. Bush initiated while in Office. Obama has signed into law spending bills disquised as "stimulus" that raises the budget deficit to a record $3.7 Trillion Dollars by 2010... thats next year folks? His Democratically controlled Sentate is debating another $410 Billion Dollar "Omnibus" bill designed to keep the country running, but which is full of "earmarks" Obama promised American's he would veto. Well, in it's present form, Obama has 8570 earmarks to veto!

Not all of those are Democrat earmarks, There are some pretty well known Republican Senators involved in the earmarks too... Senators such as Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., Kit Bond, R-Mo., Thad Cochran, R-Miss., Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Arlen Specter, R-Pa., and even a former Republican Senator... Pete Domenici, R-NM! ...Of course, while I'm naming names I ought to include the Democrat's too, don't you think? Sen. Robert Byrd, D-WVa., Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., Tom Harkin, D-Ia., Daniel Inouye, D-Hi., Patty Murray, D-Wa., Byron Dorgan, D-ND., Pat Leahy, D-Vt., Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Bob Casey, D-Pa., Harry Reid, D-Nv., Herb Kohl, D-Wisc., Chuck Schumer, D-NY.

That isn't the full list, just the top 20 earmarking Senators. When the Democrats finally get the 60 votes required to pass this fiasco, and if "The Messiah Obama" signs it into law with all 8570 earmarks still in place, then his "honeymoon" should end early... This Man, and his Democratically controlled Congress are out to bankrupt this country, and make all of us dependent on Big Government. Wait until Obama-Peloisi-Reid overhaul our Health Insurance!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Midway into Obama's 100 day Honeymoon...

And Man! I don't think America can take 50 more days of this Clown from Illinois, via Hawaii, via Indonesia, via Mombosa, Kenya! I sure as hell know I can't... I mean, the Dow Jones has sank nearly 3000 points just since Obama was sworn in - twice! Our unemployment rate is the highest it's been in 20 plus years, 5 million homeowners are in foreclosure, Banks are failing, GM is going to declare bankruptcy, Bear Stearns is now just a memory, AIG soon will be! Others following suit are; CitiCorp., Wachovia, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and a multitude of small, local 'Mom & Pop' Banks! I mean, come on! My God!... how much more can we take?

This clown ACORN got elected this past November has already kept his most famous promise of the 510 promises,(someone elses figure, not mine!) he made during his campaign - to come to the aid of the Islamic Militants, Hamas and Hezbullah if it came down to them or Isreal, he would come to their aid everytime! Well he has already fulfilled that promise, part of his "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" has been given to the Palestinian Hamas and Hezbullah - $900 Million Dollars. I guess thats what Obama meant by "Reinvestment"?

Obama said last week when this money was handed over to the Palestinian Hamas/Hezbullah leaders that Isreal needed to change! Well excuse me... but just who the hell has been firing rockets and missiles across who's borders for over a year now? And Obama expects Isreal to be the one making the change? Obama's Court said that the $900 Million Dollars intended purpose was so the Palestinians can rebuild their homes and businesses... not restock their rocket and missile arsenals.! We'll see, won't we?

Friday, March 6, 2009

Newt says he is thinking of running in 2012!

Well, Newt Gingrich has started it again, he has started the media rumor that he is running for the Presidency in 2012! Gingrich told reporters in Ashland, Va at the Randolph-Macon College that he and his Wife are seriously considering running for the White House in 2012. Couple his dynamics alongside the dynamics of someone like either Gov. Bobby Jindal, R-La. or Gov. Sarah Palin, R-Ak. or for that matter, U.S. Rep. Eric I. Cantor from Virginia, the #2 Republican in the House of Representatives... Man what a team!
But first we need Newt, and both Governor's Jindal and Palin to help us get rid of the Nancy Pelosi's, Barney Franks, John Conyers, John Murtha, Charlie Rangel, and Henry Waxman's from the House. The Harry Reid's, Chris Dodd's, Dan Durbin's, Charles Schumer's, Carl Levin's, Patrick Leahy's, John F. Kerry's, and on the "Rhino" side; Alren Specter, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins. Oh Wait! I forgot one, but he is a New York State Politican, Andrew Cuomo!

Andrew Cuomo was Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1997 to 2001 after Henry Ciseneros stepped down( he was Asst. Sec.ofHsg&UrbanDev. under Ciseneros from 1993-1997). Without his own Non-Profit Foundation, Housing Enterprise for the Less Privileged or HELP idea in 1997, Pres. Clinton would never have ordered Barney Franks to direct both CEO's of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into insuring the 'high risk' mortgages the banks and mortgage companies like AIG, Bear Stearns, CitiCorp, Wachovia (my bank!), and Countrywide to go on a mortgage free-for-all! Yeah... He has to go too!

You know, Newt Gingrich really should have ran for the Office this past election instead of saying "Only if Fred Thompson doesn't run" because of the unfounded public sentiment toward the former Senator from Tennessee. Well Fred Thompson finally did toss his hat in the ring, and proceeded to lose! Like several others who can be called "Also rans" now, Fred didn't put much effort into his campaign and didn't garner the percentages to even place in any primary! He just needs to stay with TV, he is no Ronald Reagan, and that was what a lot of people saw in him, I personally didn't.

But please don't toy with us this time Newt! If you going to run, say so, and then go out there and knock the socks off of the Democrats!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Obama's Spending flip-flops...

Boy I'll tell you one thing! Your President sure has big kehonee's doesn't he? I mean just yesterday his new Treasury Secretary, Tim Gaithner and his White House Budget Director, Peter Orzag, both of them Obama mouthpieces, were on Capitol Hill yesterday testifying before the House Banking Committee and it's Ways And Means Committee Chaired by two fatcat Liberals themselves, ie.; Rep. Barney Franks and Henry Waxman. The two Obama windup dolls were saying we need the $3.7 Trillion Dollar Tax Increase, and why...

At the same time the Senate was shooting down Sen. John McCain's resolution to remove 8570 earmarks from the Senate version of the $410 Billion Dollar "Omnibus" Bill. (Remember? Obama promised the American voters to stop earmarks, if elected!). Did you really think he would? Today Obama makes the statement that he is going to eliminate wasteful spending!!! Yes Siree! This clown sure has big kehonee's...

But hell, Obama need not worry, he has a Presidential Crown defender to protect him against the bad guys. He's got White House Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs who will fight all the Anti-Obamanit's out there! Hell he's already called Jim Cramer, Rush Limbaugh, and Rick Santelli out for statements they've made against the "Messiah". You know it reminds me of a political cartoon I saw today on of Moses with the Ten Commandments in hand, waving to the high heavens, asking God to part the Red Seas for the Isrealits... and in the next frame there's Obama, also waving to the high heavens, asking God to part the Red Ink!! Now I thought that was funny...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 42 of Barack Hussein Obama's Debacle

As everyone who pays any mind to my diatribes from time to time, I hope you have come to the realization that I'm a devote die-hard Conservative Republican, and since I'm retired Military, maybe it's safe to say that I love my Country. Now I have to set here, with my hands tied basically, and watch some clown who can't even prove to the voters that he is fully qualified for the job the voters voted him into, tear my country apart with his "Doomsday Spending".

President Barack Obama's proposed tax increases are being met with misgivings by both Republicans and Democrats in Congress. Lawmakers in both parties question Obama's call to reduce high-income earners' tax deductions for the interest on their house payments and for charitable contributions. Also drawing fire is his proposal to start taxing industries on their greenhouse gas pollution -- a move sure to raise consumers' electric rates. The 2010 budget assumes, probably correctly, that the only way to generate a big revenue increase in the face of severe economic weakness is to use a tax mechanism–the excise tax–that is collected in relatively small increments across millions of transactions made by Americans of all income levels.

Excise taxes did most of the revenue work in the 1932 act, including excises on everything from trucks, tires, jewelry, chewing gum, and soft drinks to gasoline and electricity. Those last two are interesting due to the carbon cap-and-trade proposal in the 2010 budget, which is a de facto excise tax on those items as well as every other energy technology that relies on the most affordable energy sources: natural gas, oil, and coal.

Despite President Obama’s promise that "If your family earns less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes increase a single dime. I repeat: not one single dime," his new budget raises 45 percent of its revenue from energy taxes that will be paid by everyone who fills a gas tank, pays an electric bill, or buys anything that was grown, shipped, or manufactured.
Obama has been careful throughout the presidential campaign and since being elected to say he would impose higher taxes only on the wealthiest. Republicans, however, say Obama's energy proposal amounts to a tax that would increase energy costs for all Americans.

"This massive hidden energy tax is going to work its way through every aspect of American life," said Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, the top Republican on the Ways and Means Committee. "How we light our homes, heat our homes and pay for the gas in our cars, in every phase of our daily lives, we will be paying higher costs."

Today Obama has sent his two Staffer Mouth-pieces to the Hill to argue for his $3.7 Trillion Dollar Deficit/Budget/Recovery Bill. Treasurery Secretary Geithner is at the House of Representatives making his Bosses case in front of the Ways and Means Committee, while the White House Budget Director, Peter Orszag, is testifying in front of the House Budget Committee. From what I've been able to suffer through seems to be pretty much along party lines with regards to questioning. Democrats praising Obama, Republicans not praising obama! We'll just have to see... won't we?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My thoughts on the path Obama is leading us

How many of you out there have been keeping up with the budget debacle from the Liberal Democrats, led by the now famous Obama-Pelosi-Franks-Reid-Dodd team? When all the smoke and mirrors clear, our budget deficit for the next year will be over $4 Trillion Dollars! Right now that figure stands rock steady at $3.6 Trillion... Now thats a lot of pork folks! Here is a simple way of putting that into proper perspective, thanks to Brian Wilson of Fox News;
– If you spent $1 million an hour, non-stop for 24 hours a day, you wouldn’t run out of money for 411 years.

– If you took 3.6 trillion one-dollar bills, and placed them end-to-end, that line of bills would reach from Capitol Hill to the sun and then back to Capitol Hill and then back to the sun — and then almost all the way back to Capitol Hill again.

– Or try this: 3.6 trillion seconds ago, our ancestors were using stone tools and Neanderthal men still roamed Europe.

I like that first one... that takes care of the Ladies for a while doesn't it? The 2nd fact? That's what Obama is doing, he is 'burning up your money'! That 3rd one is kinda hard to swallow though, I didn't know I had relatives 3.6 Trillion years old! In my family I have been lead to believe that I was the patriarch... not some Stone-age guy! Well, maybe I qualify for both afterall. LOL!

There are a few facts missing here at present; Aren't deficits supposed to be paid back just like anyother debt? You know the economist's are saying that if our deficit never increased another dollar due to future budgetary increases, it would take the next four generations to pay this already accrued deficit off! That pretty much takes care of the rest of the 21st century, dontcha think?

Now for another topic that angers me terribly; Friday of this past week, Feb, 27, 2009, Obama made an announcement at North Carolina's Camp Lejeune about ending the War in Iraq in 18 months, he even placed an exact date on the final troop withdrawal, Aug. 31, 2010! Now all the Iranian/Syrian backed Insurgents have to do is wait! How damned dumb can one person get? Is this his way of keeping his campaign promises to the Hamas and Hezbullah? Then the Media-types began interviewing the handful of young Marines who were handpicked (I'm retired Military, and I know how these things work folks), who gave positive lip service to Obama's speech. If you watched it, did you also notice that all except one Marine was Black? I thought the one young man who made the statement" It's about time, the real war is in Afghanistan, not Iraq." Excuse me? But when someone is shooting at your ass, on an unfamiliar street, in a foreign country with the intention of killing your ass, I'd say you were in a freak'n war dude!

Well anyway, Obama plans to leave behind 50K of our younsters to finish training the Iraqi Forces until 2011... So that makes him a better President than Wilson, or Truman, or Nixon, right? Wrong!! Once the last U.S. Troop is withdrawn from Iraq, that war will pick right back up again! Mark my words folks... this clown doesn't have a clue...