Sunday, March 29, 2009

Another broken promise from Obama to you!

I know there are some of you who get a little tired of hearing me sound off about Obama. Quite frankly though, he is easy to sound off about because he gives you so much ammo to throw at him with all of his broken campaign promises. It is a close race on who has broken more campaign promises at this point in their Presidencies, Obama or Bill Clinton. For the most part Clinton's broken promises didn't cost the taxpayers and consumers much though, but it seems everything Obama touches costs us! His latest broken promise will hit those who use Tobacco products, rolling papers, and cigar tubes too! For the actual dollar breakdown, go to;
When Obama signed The Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 ("Act," Public Law 111-3), into law on February 4, 2009, he broke a campaign promise made on September 12, 2008 in Dover, NH;

"I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes."

According to the President of Americans For Tax Reform (ATR) Grover Norquist:

"President Obama may just laugh it off, as he has gotten into the habit of doing – but for these consumers of legal products most of whom make significantly less than $250,000 this broken promise resulting in a tax increase is all but funny. These are tough economic times, yet the only answer President Obama seems to have is to tax, spend and break a few promises along the way. Is this ‘change we can believe in?"

From what I have heard and read, some over exuberent Wholesalers are already charging retailers the new tax hike even before it goes into effect 4/1/2009! We hear of price gouging all the time when gasoline prices are inflated, or whenever we have a natural disaster, and all the effected States AG's go bonkers over it, but where are they on this one?

North Carolinians just this month, March, 2009, experienced an increase in the taxes on cigarettes of $0.73 per pack, and now this increase of an additional $0.61 a pack! Isn't that called a double whammy? Whats next? Alcohol? Fast Foods? Why not Video Games too? Conservatives need to stand up and make their voices heard (Notice I didn't specify Republicans? There are Conservative Democrats too!). It's too late to write to your Congressman or Senator over this, it's been Law since 2/4/2009 (Obama slid this one in on you!)... But you can tell them that, "Enough is enough!" (By the way, I'm a Non-Smoker and Non-Drinker, but not always...).

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