Well it's finally been called off! Whew!!! I thought for a moment there that we were going to have a Veteran revolt over our Clown in Charge (CIC) attempting to start charging Service related disabled Vets to have to pay for their Medical treatment via the Veterans Administration Medical Services. Only after Politician's from both parties refused to support him, and Veterans Organization Executives from all Vet Organizations lobbied against this brain-fart did Obama back off, but he still has yet to say so himself, instead he had his #2 Clown, Nancy Pelosi to make the announcement. I guess Gen. Shinseki, Obama's new VA Secretary will have to get his $534 Million elesewhere, won't he?
In other news of the Obama Administration and Democrat corruption, both Treasury Sec. Tim Gaithner and Senator Christopher Dodd have fallen on their swords over their part in asking for, and amending the Stimulus to allow AIG to pay bonus's of nearly $170 million to their Executives, (not counting the $4 million the Fannie Mae Executives are supposted to have recieved). I felt sorry for the new AIG CEO, Edward Liddy, yesterday as he had to appologize to a House Committee for something he had little or nothing to do with. At least he said some of the AIG Exec's are giving half of the money back. Like Newt Gingrich said, instead of throwing more money at the outfit, AIG should be allowed to simply go bankrupt and liquidate. The Government didn't attempt to hold up Bear Stearns did they? No, they simply went away...
In the meantime, I guess it's "pay-off time" for ACORN! Have you heard the Obama Administration has given the task of recruiting 1.4 million temporary Census Workers for the U.S. Census Bureau, and he has nominated to the Federal Bench one of ACORN's Loyalists! Can you believe the Kehonee's of this Guy? He has just nominated David F. Hamilton to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit that covers Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin. The Judicial Confirmation Network notes that Hamilton previously worked as a fundraiser for ACORN, the radical direct-action group that not only resurrects the dead and gets them to the polls every election but also shakes down banks and pressures them to make home loans to people who can’t afford to pay them back. Just the U.S. Census alone is bad enough, Congressional Districts are formed, Tax money laid out, etc., just on the racial composition compiled from this once every 10 years inventory of our Citizens and their demographics! But to possibly add a Judge sympathetic to ACORN's cause is a bit to much... If this is allowed to happen, then all their appeals for lost cases in the future will be funneled through the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals and Judge David F. Hamilton! In effect they would become the "Untouchables".
On another front... The Commander of the U.S. Southern Command, Navy Adm. James G. Stavridis warned the Senate Armed Services Committee Tuesday of increases Iranian and Hezbollah activities in several South American Countries. Admiral Stavridis stated his sources has reported a direct connection in Columbia between Iranian and Hezbollah in the Drug Trafficking activity. He also stated he has seen increased activities from Iranian and Hezbollah factions in Brazil, Paraquay, and Argentina. This in and of itself is disturbing, at least to me it is! If allowed to gain a foot hold on the Western Hemisphere, anywhere, these Terrorists can an will use it it as a training ground to launch new attacks against us! I can only hope someone is paying attention to this Officer. Although in other News, the DOD Secretary, Robert Gates, wants to "promote" Adm. Stavridis and give him a new Command ASAP!!! I've never trusted Sec. Gates, his CIA background greatly overrides his time as a U.S. Congressman before assuming Donald Rumsfeld's Job...
By the way, what is a "Moderate Taliban"? If anyone knows, Please enlighten me, will you? According to a Washington Times March 18th article the Saudi Government and the brother of the Afghanistanian President, Hamid Karzai, Qayum Karzai are entering into talks with a "Moderate Taliban" Spokesman, a former bin Laden associate, Abdullah Anas is acting as intermediary for the Taliban. What they are trying to do, I think, is come up with an idea to get the Taliban away from Terrorism and back into the Afghan mainstream. According to the Washington Times article, Barack Obama seems to favor at half of the agenda. the eventual departure of Coalition troops. The critical question is whether the U.S. would accept renewed Taliban rule, with all that implies: radical shariah law, oppression of women, destruction of the Afghan culture, and ruthless suppression of political opponents. I fully concur with the Washington Times accessment of the situtation;
"The alignment of interests seems to be pointing in that direction, and once the U.S. leaves Afghanistan a resurgent Taliban may be unavoidable. Furthermore, the U.S. cannot trust Taliban promises not to support terrorism in the future - it never admitted al Qaeda was a terrorist group to begin with. So in a few years we may be left with Mullah Omar back in Kabul, oppressing the Afghan people and granting safe haven for a new generation of Islamist terrorists. It seems like our country has gone to a lot of time and trouble just to return to the 1990s" .
This Man is Hell Bent to tear down everything George Bush and our American Servicemen have fought so long and hard for... Shades of Viet Nam all over again...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
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