Sunday, March 1, 2009

My thoughts on the path Obama is leading us

How many of you out there have been keeping up with the budget debacle from the Liberal Democrats, led by the now famous Obama-Pelosi-Franks-Reid-Dodd team? When all the smoke and mirrors clear, our budget deficit for the next year will be over $4 Trillion Dollars! Right now that figure stands rock steady at $3.6 Trillion... Now thats a lot of pork folks! Here is a simple way of putting that into proper perspective, thanks to Brian Wilson of Fox News;
– If you spent $1 million an hour, non-stop for 24 hours a day, you wouldn’t run out of money for 411 years.

– If you took 3.6 trillion one-dollar bills, and placed them end-to-end, that line of bills would reach from Capitol Hill to the sun and then back to Capitol Hill and then back to the sun — and then almost all the way back to Capitol Hill again.

– Or try this: 3.6 trillion seconds ago, our ancestors were using stone tools and Neanderthal men still roamed Europe.

I like that first one... that takes care of the Ladies for a while doesn't it? The 2nd fact? That's what Obama is doing, he is 'burning up your money'! That 3rd one is kinda hard to swallow though, I didn't know I had relatives 3.6 Trillion years old! In my family I have been lead to believe that I was the patriarch... not some Stone-age guy! Well, maybe I qualify for both afterall. LOL!

There are a few facts missing here at present; Aren't deficits supposed to be paid back just like anyother debt? You know the economist's are saying that if our deficit never increased another dollar due to future budgetary increases, it would take the next four generations to pay this already accrued deficit off! That pretty much takes care of the rest of the 21st century, dontcha think?

Now for another topic that angers me terribly; Friday of this past week, Feb, 27, 2009, Obama made an announcement at North Carolina's Camp Lejeune about ending the War in Iraq in 18 months, he even placed an exact date on the final troop withdrawal, Aug. 31, 2010! Now all the Iranian/Syrian backed Insurgents have to do is wait! How damned dumb can one person get? Is this his way of keeping his campaign promises to the Hamas and Hezbullah? Then the Media-types began interviewing the handful of young Marines who were handpicked (I'm retired Military, and I know how these things work folks), who gave positive lip service to Obama's speech. If you watched it, did you also notice that all except one Marine was Black? I thought the one young man who made the statement" It's about time, the real war is in Afghanistan, not Iraq." Excuse me? But when someone is shooting at your ass, on an unfamiliar street, in a foreign country with the intention of killing your ass, I'd say you were in a freak'n war dude!

Well anyway, Obama plans to leave behind 50K of our younsters to finish training the Iraqi Forces until 2011... So that makes him a better President than Wilson, or Truman, or Nixon, right? Wrong!! Once the last U.S. Troop is withdrawn from Iraq, that war will pick right back up again! Mark my words folks... this clown doesn't have a clue...

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